no, the decorations are still up...most of them, anyways! I am leaving that job until I go back to work, so the man can have that special enjoyment of the season and box things up that no longer properly fit into said boxes.
Christmas......was nice.
Santa came through in a big way and the kids got a trampoline! they had to wait a few days in order to use it, because the man pulled a huge idiot move.
guess what? Christmas is December 25. yeah...not exactly "news", right? well, apparently, he forgot. yes, you read that right. he forgot Christmas. and New Years. he gets to put in for what days off he wants, and he has seniority where he works, so whatever days he asks for, he gets. easy. he ended up working Christmas Eve until 5PM. was useless on Christmas Day. and he is working NYEve until 6PM, and working NY Day all day as well. so the trampoline just got put together yesterday.
kids are out of school. I'm off work. yah, great "family time" planning there, honey.
OK, onto a very serious subject that I just learned about this year. have you heard of these personalized calenders? you upload pictures(usually of your children, but whatever...I'm not picky)and you create a calender for your loved ones.
went over really well except for the one person who I thought would love it. my mother. her first words, once she did a quick looksie, was this..."where's my birthday?"
umm, if the calender if FOR YOU, don't you know when your own birthday is already? I put all of your grand children's birthdays on it. you know, with pictures of them? it's not a "Grandma" calender. if you want a damn calender all about yourself, then go to shutterfly and make it.
I have a lot of tension with my mother lately. she promised to take my daughter for a Mother/daughter function with Daisies for me. I had to work and could not get out of it. she said sure, fine, would love to. then, she tells me 2 days before the event that she is going to be out of town that day, so can we do it another time? umm, no. no, we cannot do it another day. because, you see, that would involve me changing 20 other people's plans and rearranging a dance performance that tickets have been bought for all because YOU decided to go to the beach for the day. no apology, no nothing. she was confused as to why I was pissed.
she pulled a similar move a few months ago when I needed to attend a work related conference. she was to *gasp* have her grandchildren sleepover for 1 night. she tells me the day before I was scheduled to leave that "she's just not sure it's a good idea. three kids are a lot."
now, those of you who know me, see the irony here. I am one of three children. when my mother was a mom to 3 girls, her mother lived nearby and was a huge part of our lives, simply because she was THERE a lot. and yes, I remember having a sleepover now and then with her.
so once I had a hissy fit and explained to her that telling me this at that moment was not helping me at all and rearranging so that 1 child was going somewhere else and she was now only responsible for 2 grandchildren, all was fine. but she felt she needed to remind me about 20 times shortly after that trip of how much she was HELPING me.
it's not so much of a help when I am made to feel that I am leaving me children with someone who doesn't really want them. not easy to go pretend that life is wonderful and learning new exciting things about teeth are my number 1 priority in life for this 1 weekend.
I guess what I've been forced to realize is that my mother is just not the person that I thought she was. I cannot depend on her. I listen to what she says, but I do not really believe the words until I see them happen. I have come to realize that she is not, in fact, moving to Clermont to "be near her grandchildren". because let's face it, if it hasn't happened in the 10 years since she told me this, it's probably not gonna happen.
my goal for 2010? to not be that Mom. to mean what I say and do what I can to make my children know how important they are to me, everyday.
oh, and of me and kids on trampoline will be forthcoming.
the daily life and thoughts of a Mom, err Momma. I have 3 children. I will always be their "Momma" ♥♥♥
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
flu shots and sounded like a good idea
the school had it's family book fair night tonight. I'm all for books and reading. they then announced that they would have flu shots available also.
I thought, "hey! I can do this! all kids get a flu shot and then they pick out a book. it'll be easy!"
if you are ever within earshot of me and hear me say those words, I am now giving you permission to whack me upside the head with a hard object and remind me of "book fair night".
arrived on time, filled out 4 forms. (me plus 3 kids)
and waited.
had to leave room for nurse's son to have his hissy fit while they held him down for his shot. later learned she paid him $20 to get his flu shot. little shit.
out turn! Momma forst, no problem.
E next...hugs and kisses later and she was fine.
L next, got his in his leg and he let out one surprised "ouchie!" and was done. not a tear from anyone.
until J. the boy was shaking. tears flowing.
and then the shot was over and he erupted into uncontrolled giggles.
I did get everyone their book of choice and we go tthe hell out of there. Momma needs a glass of wine something fierce after that dramafest!
I thought, "hey! I can do this! all kids get a flu shot and then they pick out a book. it'll be easy!"
if you are ever within earshot of me and hear me say those words, I am now giving you permission to whack me upside the head with a hard object and remind me of "book fair night".
arrived on time, filled out 4 forms. (me plus 3 kids)
and waited.
had to leave room for nurse's son to have his hissy fit while they held him down for his shot. later learned she paid him $20 to get his flu shot. little shit.
out turn! Momma forst, no problem.
E next...hugs and kisses later and she was fine.
L next, got his in his leg and he let out one surprised "ouchie!" and was done. not a tear from anyone.
until J. the boy was shaking. tears flowing.
and then the shot was over and he erupted into uncontrolled giggles.
I did get everyone their book of choice and we go tthe hell out of there. Momma needs a glass of wine something fierce after that dramafest!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
so was not expecting to deal with this from the girl
I have 2 sons. I fully expected that one day, I would get a call or a note or something saying that 1 of them was involved in a fight at school. got the note(well, email...but that's the same thing, right?)TODAY.
not a male child of mine involved, but the daughter. she told her friend a secret(which she now cannot even remember what the super important secret was), friend told another little girl the secret, daughter heard her...walked right up to her and hit her, pulled her hair, and scratched her on the leg.
my daughter is a delinquint.
I am the Momma to a delinquint in 1st grade.
she has written an apology note to the little girl. wrote "I will keep my hands to myself" 12 times. has finished all homework for the week. has handed over DS and ipod for the time being. and I emailed her teacher back and requested that she sit out of recess for the rest of the week as punishment.
good Lord. we do not hit. we do not spank. wth would she feel it was perfectly OK to hit, pull and scratch another human being?
if this is the stress we have in 1st grade, just send me the boxes of wine now. I'll keep a stockpile going.
not a male child of mine involved, but the daughter. she told her friend a secret(which she now cannot even remember what the super important secret was), friend told another little girl the secret, daughter heard her...walked right up to her and hit her, pulled her hair, and scratched her on the leg.
my daughter is a delinquint.
I am the Momma to a delinquint in 1st grade.
she has written an apology note to the little girl. wrote "I will keep my hands to myself" 12 times. has finished all homework for the week. has handed over DS and ipod for the time being. and I emailed her teacher back and requested that she sit out of recess for the rest of the week as punishment.
good Lord. we do not hit. we do not spank. wth would she feel it was perfectly OK to hit, pull and scratch another human being?
if this is the stress we have in 1st grade, just send me the boxes of wine now. I'll keep a stockpile going.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
ohhh, yeah....the stage that I was on.....
let me just preface this whole post by saying that the new Bacardi Limon is completely responsible and delicious.
Named after the Spanish word for lemon, BACARDI® LIMÓN is a carefully crafted product that infuses BACARDI® rum to the essence of the royal family of citrus fruits: the lemon, the lime and grapefruit.
so I was away for a night to have a girls' weekend at a local Twilight convention. we had a lot of fun without actually purchasing a convention ticket. attendance was very low, and they were not as vigilant about checking tickets and such, so we went to a prom and a concert.
by the time we got to the concert at 11ishPM, let's just say, I was feeling very relaxed and happy. so relaxed and happy, that I danced with my new best gay friend and then we took it up onto the stage. yeah. me.
what song were we dancing to, you ask? I honestly have no idea.
but, yeah, there are pictures of it up already.
and then we stayed up until 4AM and had a great time.
so to recap~ Bacardi Limon is awesomeness in a bottle. I get very dancey when drunk. and there seemed to be quite a few people who enjoyed the whole performance because I was stopped while loading my luggage into the car by 5 people who asked me if i really was the girl on stage last night? lol, lmao, ffs.....oh my
Named after the Spanish word for lemon, BACARDI® LIMÓN is a carefully crafted product that infuses BACARDI® rum to the essence of the royal family of citrus fruits: the lemon, the lime and grapefruit.
so I was away for a night to have a girls' weekend at a local Twilight convention. we had a lot of fun without actually purchasing a convention ticket. attendance was very low, and they were not as vigilant about checking tickets and such, so we went to a prom and a concert.
by the time we got to the concert at 11ishPM, let's just say, I was feeling very relaxed and happy. so relaxed and happy, that I danced with my new best gay friend and then we took it up onto the stage. yeah. me.
what song were we dancing to, you ask? I honestly have no idea.
but, yeah, there are pictures of it up already.
and then we stayed up until 4AM and had a great time.
so to recap~ Bacardi Limon is awesomeness in a bottle. I get very dancey when drunk. and there seemed to be quite a few people who enjoyed the whole performance because I was stopped while loading my luggage into the car by 5 people who asked me if i really was the girl on stage last night? lol, lmao, ffs.....oh my
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I have a 10 year old today!
that seems wayyyy too old to me. or I seem wayyy too young to have a 10 yr old child. (yeah...biologically I could have a 20 yr old child or so, but thank God the condoms never broke or anything back then)
I used to think it was good to start out older to have kids. I had my first in 1999 and turned 30 a few months later. now I have a 10 yr old, a 6 yr old, and a 2yr old and will turn 40 in a few months' time. that sounds so wrong.
he has had a good birthday. doughnuts for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies for snack at school for all, going out to dinner at his choice tonight. (Steak 'n Shake, it is)
we had the kid party on Sunday. local movie theater has a party room...excellent idea, right? everyone sees a movie together(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)and then they all go to the party room afterwards for cake, or in our case...brownies.
10 kids were there. and me.
movie was fine. only had to take my daughter to the restroom once.
party room was literally my own personal little Hell for an hour. what was I thinking giving these kids soda and sugaring them up on brownies and then having to wait for an hour before their parents came and got them????? good Lord, I had boys screaming and running throwing things that were not intended to be weapons at one another.
10 yr old boys are a breed of their own. they won.
I used to think it was good to start out older to have kids. I had my first in 1999 and turned 30 a few months later. now I have a 10 yr old, a 6 yr old, and a 2yr old and will turn 40 in a few months' time. that sounds so wrong.
he has had a good birthday. doughnuts for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies for snack at school for all, going out to dinner at his choice tonight. (Steak 'n Shake, it is)
we had the kid party on Sunday. local movie theater has a party room...excellent idea, right? everyone sees a movie together(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)and then they all go to the party room afterwards for cake, or in our case...brownies.
10 kids were there. and me.
movie was fine. only had to take my daughter to the restroom once.
party room was literally my own personal little Hell for an hour. what was I thinking giving these kids soda and sugaring them up on brownies and then having to wait for an hour before their parents came and got them????? good Lord, I had boys screaming and running throwing things that were not intended to be weapons at one another.
10 yr old boys are a breed of their own. they won.
Friday, September 11, 2009

there are so many tribute videos, these are just 3 that I thought were well done. remebering back on this day when I had a 1 year old son and a husband who I could not contact for hours. news reports saying possible other targets were going to be hit, one of which was Walt Disney World. Thank God, that did not happen.
thinking of all of those other Moms and wives and sisters out there who did not receive a phone call from their husband or brother or child that day.
Nobody's Hero
The Rising
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Yah me!
I just bought myself 2 tickets to the midnight premiere of New Moon....
now who to take with me?.........
now who to take with me?.........
best PTO event of the year is tonight
not sure who's original idea it was, don't really care except that I know I love that person.'s the PTO's Welcome Back to School Ice Cream Party. (a PTO is a Parent Teacher Organization. some call it PTA, which ends with Association. pretty sure they are no different and maybe someone, somewhere, did not want the name shortened to Ass is the difference?)
so this is a reletively short post, just wanted to share my love of ice cream with you.
Rocky Road, here comes Momma!
so this is a reletively short post, just wanted to share my love of ice cream with you.
Rocky Road, here comes Momma!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Carline leads woman to excessive drug use.....
OK, follow me here.... cuz I am pretty sure I am right and all of those m fers in carline yesterday who cut around me are WRONG.
school allows kindergartners and kids in multi-age classes to be released 15 minutes early. I have one of these as my child, so by default, both kids get out of school 15 minutes early. there is a carline especially for these kids. everyone else goes to regular carline and then can start picking up their children at regular dismissal time. follow me so far?
here's the problem..... I got to school and the early dismissal carline was backed up all the way to the school entrance at the main road. so I was stopped in the turn lane, awaiting my chance to turn into school. but the carline had not opened yet, so there was no moving, nowhere for me to go. this happens frequently.
cars behind me were waiting for same line. so we wait. and wait. and wait some more.
at this point, there are cars stopped in the opposite direction as well, waiting on same carline.
then the idiots came out to play.
a green Honda van pulls out from behind me, about 5 or so cars back, and passes me and then turns a sharp get in front of me.
now, she has cut me and the 20 something cars behind us off, and she has no fucking where to go, because, yeah...if I could have gone I would have already, bitch!
so she has the situation where she has cut off people, and is now stuck, sitting in the middle of the intersection, now blocking thru traffic as well as all of us sitting there glaring at her and I'm sure if they were kidless cars, screaming obscenities at her. (I was not kidless, thus I made a few marked comments about how people can be so clueless and NOT NICE and how now I am the one screwed because if she gets hit, she is gonna smack right into me.)
now, someone for some unknown reason saw the green van move, and apparently thought that "aha! the carline is moving! I shall follow Miss Greenvan wherever she goes and I, too, shall be set free from carline Hell." so 3 more cars attempted the same maneuver.
the man behind me was very entertaining to watch, btw. I watched his face go 3 shades of red and felt his blood pressure rise way up there on the cuff through my rear view mirror.
finally, carline starts moving. and I sat. and sat. and sat. because Miss Greenvan has stopped traffic so royally that there is now a long line of cars of peeps who just wanted to go straight and have no business with the carline at all. had to wait for those people to get through before I could finally turn. and sit and wait for the kids. who did not appreciate the trauma I had been through at all.
and it's like, the 2nd week of school. I think I could make a killing by going car to car with Jello shots.
and Miss Greenvan...she IS NOT GETTING ONE!
school allows kindergartners and kids in multi-age classes to be released 15 minutes early. I have one of these as my child, so by default, both kids get out of school 15 minutes early. there is a carline especially for these kids. everyone else goes to regular carline and then can start picking up their children at regular dismissal time. follow me so far?
here's the problem..... I got to school and the early dismissal carline was backed up all the way to the school entrance at the main road. so I was stopped in the turn lane, awaiting my chance to turn into school. but the carline had not opened yet, so there was no moving, nowhere for me to go. this happens frequently.
cars behind me were waiting for same line. so we wait. and wait. and wait some more.
at this point, there are cars stopped in the opposite direction as well, waiting on same carline.
then the idiots came out to play.
a green Honda van pulls out from behind me, about 5 or so cars back, and passes me and then turns a sharp get in front of me.
now, she has cut me and the 20 something cars behind us off, and she has no fucking where to go, because, yeah...if I could have gone I would have already, bitch!
so she has the situation where she has cut off people, and is now stuck, sitting in the middle of the intersection, now blocking thru traffic as well as all of us sitting there glaring at her and I'm sure if they were kidless cars, screaming obscenities at her. (I was not kidless, thus I made a few marked comments about how people can be so clueless and NOT NICE and how now I am the one screwed because if she gets hit, she is gonna smack right into me.)
now, someone for some unknown reason saw the green van move, and apparently thought that "aha! the carline is moving! I shall follow Miss Greenvan wherever she goes and I, too, shall be set free from carline Hell." so 3 more cars attempted the same maneuver.
the man behind me was very entertaining to watch, btw. I watched his face go 3 shades of red and felt his blood pressure rise way up there on the cuff through my rear view mirror.
finally, carline starts moving. and I sat. and sat. and sat. because Miss Greenvan has stopped traffic so royally that there is now a long line of cars of peeps who just wanted to go straight and have no business with the carline at all. had to wait for those people to get through before I could finally turn. and sit and wait for the kids. who did not appreciate the trauma I had been through at all.
and it's like, the 2nd week of school. I think I could make a killing by going car to car with Jello shots.
and Miss Greenvan...she IS NOT GETTING ONE!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
When Pills Aren't Enough Sessions...#1
here is the first entry on my blog from a fellow blogger who shall remain nameless and needs to vent a bit. more to come, I'm sure ;)
Nothing but a Hound-Dog
...or make that horn-dog.
So, about a month ago my somewhat-of-a-boyfriend dumped me. Actually, it went something like this:
Him: I'm confused.
Me: Then we should probably not see or talk to each other for a while until you have time to think about it.
Him: Hmmm.
That week I get an email: "..I've been thinking about you a lot and would like to see you. I hope you feel the same."
"Ok", says I. Did I mention I am really dumb?
So we meet for a 'talk', and although I knew what to expect, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to let him get off that easy without first taking me to IKEA and then spending three hours putting the crap together for me. I mean, he's the one with the car...and the issues - but that's for another post. One with rum.
At step 35 of the 46-step process, we start the "talk".
Him: So, where so you think we are right now?
Me: Well, I think we broke up the last time we talked, but then you asked to meet me, so now I'm confused again.
Him: Well, you are right. We did break up. But more specifically, I broke up with you.
Blink blink.
OH NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, especially since I was the one who told him to STOP CALLING ME AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE WANTED.
After doing the only mature thing I could think of (considering he was in the middle of my last IKEA thingy) and throwing his toothbrush in the toilet, he finished putting the furniture together and we said our goodbyes. A solid, mature goodbye. And I haven't seen him since.
Except, now I am horny. VERY, VERY HORNY. Did I mention I am horny?
Everywhere I turn sex is staring me in the face. In books. On the TV. In movies. At the bus stop (seriously dudes, get a room). And now, I am THIS CLOSE to making a booty call. And I know that if my sister EVER found out that she would tear so many strips off me I would look like some sort of walking piece of bacon. I love bacon, by the way. Peameal bacon, specifically. Yum yum.
Sorry, tangent. But mama needs some lovin'. Sex. GOOD SEX. SEX, SEX, SEX. And he was SO good in bed. Did I mention I am horny?
I mean, I've taking up knitting for goodness sakes. KNITTING! To try and get my mind off sex! WTF?
Unfortunately there is no pill for this. Until there is, I'll continue trying to make the fucking disaster of a scarf (or maybe it's a lens cleaner), and watching episodes of True Blood...because vampires seem to have an incredible sex life.
Le sigh.
Nothing but a Hound-Dog
...or make that horn-dog.
So, about a month ago my somewhat-of-a-boyfriend dumped me. Actually, it went something like this:
Him: I'm confused.
Me: Then we should probably not see or talk to each other for a while until you have time to think about it.
Him: Hmmm.
That week I get an email: "..I've been thinking about you a lot and would like to see you. I hope you feel the same."
"Ok", says I. Did I mention I am really dumb?
So we meet for a 'talk', and although I knew what to expect, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to let him get off that easy without first taking me to IKEA and then spending three hours putting the crap together for me. I mean, he's the one with the car...and the issues - but that's for another post. One with rum.
At step 35 of the 46-step process, we start the "talk".
Him: So, where so you think we are right now?
Me: Well, I think we broke up the last time we talked, but then you asked to meet me, so now I'm confused again.
Him: Well, you are right. We did break up. But more specifically, I broke up with you.
Blink blink.
OH NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, especially since I was the one who told him to STOP CALLING ME AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE WANTED.
After doing the only mature thing I could think of (considering he was in the middle of my last IKEA thingy) and throwing his toothbrush in the toilet, he finished putting the furniture together and we said our goodbyes. A solid, mature goodbye. And I haven't seen him since.
Except, now I am horny. VERY, VERY HORNY. Did I mention I am horny?
Everywhere I turn sex is staring me in the face. In books. On the TV. In movies. At the bus stop (seriously dudes, get a room). And now, I am THIS CLOSE to making a booty call. And I know that if my sister EVER found out that she would tear so many strips off me I would look like some sort of walking piece of bacon. I love bacon, by the way. Peameal bacon, specifically. Yum yum.
Sorry, tangent. But mama needs some lovin'. Sex. GOOD SEX. SEX, SEX, SEX. And he was SO good in bed. Did I mention I am horny?
I mean, I've taking up knitting for goodness sakes. KNITTING! To try and get my mind off sex! WTF?
Unfortunately there is no pill for this. Until there is, I'll continue trying to make the fucking disaster of a scarf (or maybe it's a lens cleaner), and watching episodes of True Blood...because vampires seem to have an incredible sex life.
Le sigh.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Are you ever struck midconversation with panic.....
that you have absolutely no effing hell idea what the person you are conversing with is talking about? and I don't mean in the quantum physics rules of universe in an alternate plane of field type confusion. I mean, you sort of tune out because maybe the conversation is a tad dull or repetitive, and then all of a sudden, BAM! a word or phrase is said and you realize you have totally missed a huge part of the conversing and you now have to either,
A) pretend that you do know what is being discussed and decide really quickly whether to nod and agree or say something noncommital like, "what are your feelings on it?" or,
B) feign sickness and bolt from the room, or...
C) suck it up and say, "omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch that last part? what did you say?"
and wow, nice run on sentence usage.
let me just tell you, it's bad when you do the third choice. total failure. ended with person turning and leaving the room. sorry bout that. they caught me uncaffinated and sleep deprived and when the conversatuion did not begin with an "OMG! did you hear such and such?....." or a "I was shot and killed last week and lived to tell about it".... well, I entered the zone.
A) pretend that you do know what is being discussed and decide really quickly whether to nod and agree or say something noncommital like, "what are your feelings on it?" or,
B) feign sickness and bolt from the room, or...
C) suck it up and say, "omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch that last part? what did you say?"
and wow, nice run on sentence usage.
let me just tell you, it's bad when you do the third choice. total failure. ended with person turning and leaving the room. sorry bout that. they caught me uncaffinated and sleep deprived and when the conversatuion did not begin with an "OMG! did you hear such and such?....." or a "I was shot and killed last week and lived to tell about it".... well, I entered the zone.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
back to school 2009
or, in other words.....1st and 4th grade here we come!

so, this is actually the third day of school today. I worked Monday and Tuesday, so the man had Dad duty and got them onto the bus and they did end up back at home, safe and sound. both of them were pretty laid back and casual about their first days. all I've learned is that I bought the wrong kind of folder for 1 of them and that there is a new PE coach who yells a lot and has a very serious face. haven't met him yet myself, but I can only imagine what my face would look like after being with 100's of children all day long in the FL summer. I'd most likely yell, too. I told the kids to give him a chance and I'll send in cookies for him one day. (to which the man accused me of trying to kiss his ass and make him be easier on our kids by sending in cookies.....(to which I said, ding! ding! ding! welcome to the planet, honey)
I had plans for today. they've all gone out the window. laundry, gym, cleaning the house, maybe going for a walk with the little one. well, it's so quiet today. it's just him and I, and he wanted to watch MoMo(Finding Nemo....or sometimes it means Elmo. it just depends on his mood). and well, I said OK. so he watched MoMo, I watched an episode of Kourtney and Khloe in Miami or something like that, and I folded and put away 1 load of laundry. and now it's raining, so no walk.
Nemo has just gotten himself into the ocean once again, and little one is almost asleep. maybe I have time for a nap before I need to leave for the car pick-up line.
so, this is actually the third day of school today. I worked Monday and Tuesday, so the man had Dad duty and got them onto the bus and they did end up back at home, safe and sound. both of them were pretty laid back and casual about their first days. all I've learned is that I bought the wrong kind of folder for 1 of them and that there is a new PE coach who yells a lot and has a very serious face. haven't met him yet myself, but I can only imagine what my face would look like after being with 100's of children all day long in the FL summer. I'd most likely yell, too. I told the kids to give him a chance and I'll send in cookies for him one day. (to which the man accused me of trying to kiss his ass and make him be easier on our kids by sending in cookies.....(to which I said, ding! ding! ding! welcome to the planet, honey)
I had plans for today. they've all gone out the window. laundry, gym, cleaning the house, maybe going for a walk with the little one. well, it's so quiet today. it's just him and I, and he wanted to watch MoMo(Finding Nemo....or sometimes it means Elmo. it just depends on his mood). and well, I said OK. so he watched MoMo, I watched an episode of Kourtney and Khloe in Miami or something like that, and I folded and put away 1 load of laundry. and now it's raining, so no walk.
Nemo has just gotten himself into the ocean once again, and little one is almost asleep. maybe I have time for a nap before I need to leave for the car pick-up line.
Monday, July 20, 2009
as I am now on child #3, I've realized I have learned a few things about parenting.
"Stop! Don't touch that!"
a 2 year old hears this as, "YES! I must touch it and grab it and possibly smear it on my body!"
I'll preface this by saying that yes, I do have gates at both entrances to the kitchen. when I am cooking, no kids are allowed in the kitchen. however, the 2 older ones can now open the gates and while that is a good thing that I no longer have to open and close the gates for them a million times a day, it also seems that the 2 yr old is always waiting for the opening and closing to occur and he sneaks in at the worst possible times.
case in point- making bread...both hands completely in a bowl of flour and this and that mixing and a pot of water is bowling on the stove for pasta. he goes straight for the water. screaming at him has no effect, but if I say one simple word, he will stop dead in his tracks and smile at me like a little angel.
"Don't spit!"
this means, "Please spit at me or your brother or sister! In the face is really the best way to do it! Go ahead...try it!"
I haven't quite got this one figured out yet. I've never had a spitter. I'm currently using the flick to the lips with my fingers method which results in him looking at me with the puppy dog eyes and me feeling like Mommie Dearest. I don't want to be the "Mom of the spitter" in the neighborhood. so sue me.
I'll be adding more to this to go flick a certain mouth.....
"Stop! Don't touch that!"
a 2 year old hears this as, "YES! I must touch it and grab it and possibly smear it on my body!"
I'll preface this by saying that yes, I do have gates at both entrances to the kitchen. when I am cooking, no kids are allowed in the kitchen. however, the 2 older ones can now open the gates and while that is a good thing that I no longer have to open and close the gates for them a million times a day, it also seems that the 2 yr old is always waiting for the opening and closing to occur and he sneaks in at the worst possible times.
case in point- making bread...both hands completely in a bowl of flour and this and that mixing and a pot of water is bowling on the stove for pasta. he goes straight for the water. screaming at him has no effect, but if I say one simple word, he will stop dead in his tracks and smile at me like a little angel.
"Don't spit!"
this means, "Please spit at me or your brother or sister! In the face is really the best way to do it! Go ahead...try it!"
I haven't quite got this one figured out yet. I've never had a spitter. I'm currently using the flick to the lips with my fingers method which results in him looking at me with the puppy dog eyes and me feeling like Mommie Dearest. I don't want to be the "Mom of the spitter" in the neighborhood. so sue me.
I'll be adding more to this to go flick a certain mouth.....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Laundry sucks
I just do not enjoy doing laundry for other people. Yes, I realize I need to just let that feeling go because I have a good 16 years or so of being sort of "required" to do laundry for other people.
But really....I don't feel like I ask for too much.
Can you please not put your socks into the hamper inside out? if you do this, do you know how happy it woul dmake me to fold and put away laundry without having to flip the socks the right way and then end up with a pile of sand and mulch on the floor at my feet? 'cuz then I have to vacuum. again.
Can you not shove the wettest towel you could find into the exact dead center of the hamper so that everything item is now wet, and smelly? because your socks smell really bad now that's summertime.
and you feel the need to go out and open the running dryer to see if your favorite shirt is dry yet, and you stick your grimey hands in there and then get maple syrup on the clothes....could you maybe tell me? I would be so much nicer if you said, "hey Momma. umm, I kind of got the clothes dirty again. you know, the ones in the dryer?"
because if you don't tell me, this happens....continue the drying and then take the clothes into the living room to fold and wonder out loud where the heck all of the syrup came from. do a thorough search of the inside of the dryer in June in Florida when it's over 100 degrees in the garage already, to see if you can find out what leaked/spilled/all over the clothes. then, as I am reloading all of these "clean" clothes into the washing machine, you come up to me and say, "oh...are thos ethe ones that I wiped the syrup on?"
and then you will know why I'm twitchy and sticking my head into the freezer saying Momma needs a few minutes of quiet time by 3:32 PM everyday.
But really....I don't feel like I ask for too much.
Can you please not put your socks into the hamper inside out? if you do this, do you know how happy it woul dmake me to fold and put away laundry without having to flip the socks the right way and then end up with a pile of sand and mulch on the floor at my feet? 'cuz then I have to vacuum. again.
Can you not shove the wettest towel you could find into the exact dead center of the hamper so that everything item is now wet, and smelly? because your socks smell really bad now that's summertime.
and you feel the need to go out and open the running dryer to see if your favorite shirt is dry yet, and you stick your grimey hands in there and then get maple syrup on the clothes....could you maybe tell me? I would be so much nicer if you said, "hey Momma. umm, I kind of got the clothes dirty again. you know, the ones in the dryer?"
because if you don't tell me, this happens....continue the drying and then take the clothes into the living room to fold and wonder out loud where the heck all of the syrup came from. do a thorough search of the inside of the dryer in June in Florida when it's over 100 degrees in the garage already, to see if you can find out what leaked/spilled/all over the clothes. then, as I am reloading all of these "clean" clothes into the washing machine, you come up to me and say, "oh...are thos ethe ones that I wiped the syrup on?"
and then you will know why I'm twitchy and sticking my head into the freezer saying Momma needs a few minutes of quiet time by 3:32 PM everyday.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
whoa Nelly.....she IS still alive
yeah, so... I could be all full of tales of why I have not been here for almost 3 months. but, well, no excuse. life happens and sometimes you just don't want to actually document it all. nothing bad, just...blah
I have a pierced daughter now. she wanted a graduation present for successfully completing Kindergarten. so, she got her ears pierced. wicked cute and thank God no problems at all.
I now have a 4th grader and a 1st grader. have heard tales that 4th grade is a huge world of different than 3rd. kids change classes. like, my son will have to actually know to bring his science book when he goes to science class. instead of just walking over to his classroom cubby and grabbing it. good luck with that, 4th grade.
my littlest one is showing signs of wanting to potty train. either that or he is just playing with my tender emotional state of deliriousness by the thinking I may be diaper free at some point in life. either way, I'm going with it and he is naked 95% of the time now. cuts down on laundry, too. and one particular area of the backyard is very well watered.
I'm leaving on a woman only roadtrip in.....

woot! woot! woot! woot!
I have a pierced daughter now. she wanted a graduation present for successfully completing Kindergarten. so, she got her ears pierced. wicked cute and thank God no problems at all.
I now have a 4th grader and a 1st grader. have heard tales that 4th grade is a huge world of different than 3rd. kids change classes. like, my son will have to actually know to bring his science book when he goes to science class. instead of just walking over to his classroom cubby and grabbing it. good luck with that, 4th grade.
my littlest one is showing signs of wanting to potty train. either that or he is just playing with my tender emotional state of deliriousness by the thinking I may be diaper free at some point in life. either way, I'm going with it and he is naked 95% of the time now. cuts down on laundry, too. and one particular area of the backyard is very well watered.
I'm leaving on a woman only roadtrip in.....

woot! woot! woot! woot!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I hate when people eff with my computer
OK, so for a few weeks now, the printer will not work. Says it is online, says it is working. Well, in fact, NO! it is not working. If it's not printing, I would say that means that the printer is not working. If the name of what you should do is in your name and you are not doing that thing, than there is a problem.
So, I have unplugged.
I have rebooted.
I have dusted. ( needed to be dusted back behind there anyways. I do it at least twice a year.)
I have spoken nicely. Whispered sweet nothings to it.
I have yelled. Even cursed.
Guess what the problem was? Someone, and I know who this someone is. This someone was in my home resetting my computer modem with a "new, better modem" a few weeks ago. Right around the same time the printer stopped working.....
The cable guy unplugged my printer from the printer plug and plugged it into the webcam plug. wtf? I don't even have a webcam.
And I had to laugh when I pulled my computer out and looked at the back.... this Dell really is made for idiots. (no comments, please) There are not only names for each plug, as in..."Monitor", but there is also a little picture of the monitor. So there's no confusion as to what gets plugged in where.
I guess my cable guy either 1) cannot read words or pictures or 2) does this shit for kicks to see how many gray hairs he can cause to 30 something women trying to figure out why their printer stopped printing.
I can now stop talking to my printer. It is working as it should. Continue with your day.....
So, I have unplugged.
I have rebooted.
I have dusted. ( needed to be dusted back behind there anyways. I do it at least twice a year.)
I have spoken nicely. Whispered sweet nothings to it.
I have yelled. Even cursed.
Guess what the problem was? Someone, and I know who this someone is. This someone was in my home resetting my computer modem with a "new, better modem" a few weeks ago. Right around the same time the printer stopped working.....
The cable guy unplugged my printer from the printer plug and plugged it into the webcam plug. wtf? I don't even have a webcam.
And I had to laugh when I pulled my computer out and looked at the back.... this Dell really is made for idiots. (no comments, please) There are not only names for each plug, as in..."Monitor", but there is also a little picture of the monitor. So there's no confusion as to what gets plugged in where.
I guess my cable guy either 1) cannot read words or pictures or 2) does this shit for kicks to see how many gray hairs he can cause to 30 something women trying to figure out why their printer stopped printing.
I can now stop talking to my printer. It is working as it should. Continue with your day.....
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
the joy of Pokemon Platinum
will be known at my house later today. my oldest is getting an award today, he is a "Terrific Kid". (and yes, I already knew this...he is pretty terrific, but he is getting this today from being nominated by his classmates)

all he has wanted since Sunday, when this new DS game came out, is the game. Pokemon. Pokemon. Pokemon.
Team Rocket.
These are all names I now know.
Pokemon Happiness in a 9 yr old.....
all he has wanted since Sunday, when this new DS game came out, is the game. Pokemon. Pokemon. Pokemon.
Team Rocket.
These are all names I now know.
Pokemon Happiness in a 9 yr old.....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Take 2 Motrin and call me in the morning
so, I guess Thursdays are tough when you're in Kindergarten. I picked them up, was #6in car pick-up line. (YES! I think that's my best time yet! I think some of these other Moms live at school and are #1 and #2 constantly...but that's another post, I'm sure)picked up my paycheck, went to the bank, Target and home.
my daughter told me that she was tired. that was my first clue that somthing was up. 5 year olds do not announce their fatigue. they go go go go go and then they drop to the floor and fall asleep.
then she asked if she could change into jammies when we got home. in case she fell asleep, she'd already be in jammies. I can't argue with that logic, so I said that was fine.
we got home, she immediately went to her room and changed into her jammies and appeared 5.2 seconds later on the couch.
and then she said it.....
"can I have 2 Motrin and just take it easy today? I had a rough day."
what could have happened in Kindergarten that was so rough? but, I got her the Motrin and juice. her blankies. a cold rice pack for her head. and put on Thumbelina. she's happy now.
we all have those days. even at 5.....
my daughter told me that she was tired. that was my first clue that somthing was up. 5 year olds do not announce their fatigue. they go go go go go and then they drop to the floor and fall asleep.
then she asked if she could change into jammies when we got home. in case she fell asleep, she'd already be in jammies. I can't argue with that logic, so I said that was fine.
we got home, she immediately went to her room and changed into her jammies and appeared 5.2 seconds later on the couch.
and then she said it.....
"can I have 2 Motrin and just take it easy today? I had a rough day."
what could have happened in Kindergarten that was so rough? but, I got her the Motrin and juice. her blankies. a cold rice pack for her head. and put on Thumbelina. she's happy now.
we all have those days. even at 5.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
give me strength
she is 5. the hormaonal fluctuations should not be hitting her yet. right?
she just may be manic.
I swear this child can go from happy-happy to mad as a cow in line at the slaughterhouse in 3 seconds flat.
and what was the latest fit over?
was she forced to eat liver and onions?
was she forced to remove any and all pink accessories from her outfit?
did her brother pee in her Cheerios?
nope....the offense was heinous. it was awful. it was life altering, for sure.
she was asked if she wanted plain water or half juice, half water in her water bottle for school.
yes, come and arrest me now and take me away. I am a horrible mother.
no, can come and get me. I'll be available for at least another 45 minutes before the errands begin.
you have mapquest, right?
she just may be manic.
I swear this child can go from happy-happy to mad as a cow in line at the slaughterhouse in 3 seconds flat.
and what was the latest fit over?
was she forced to eat liver and onions?
was she forced to remove any and all pink accessories from her outfit?
did her brother pee in her Cheerios?
nope....the offense was heinous. it was awful. it was life altering, for sure.
she was asked if she wanted plain water or half juice, half water in her water bottle for school.
yes, come and arrest me now and take me away. I am a horrible mother.
no, can come and get me. I'll be available for at least another 45 minutes before the errands begin.
you have mapquest, right?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
whaaaaaaaaaaattt did you say?
I think perhaps Hell hath frozen over and pigs are currently flying out of my butt.
last night, during dinner, which of course the 2 older Littles refused and picked at because "the rice looks different"...wtfever, kids. I made it. I cooked. I'm eating it. so what if it looks a little "different"(cooked in crock pot so it was a bit more mushy than the norm).
and, btw, the man is such a nonhelper in these situations. when will he learn to keep his mouth shut or simply say, "your Mom is right"? 15 years of training and you know what came out of his mouth? "hmm, I see what you're talking about. the rice is a little different. but, you should try it. I put extra butter on it and it's pretty much OK tasting." NO NO NO!!!!!! do NOT give them validation that simply because the rice is cooked differently than just plain old boiling water that there may be some issue with the rice being edible. do NOT tell them that by adding 5 tablespoons of butter to 1 serving of rice is acceptable!
anyways, once we got over the whole rice issue, my oldest child said the best thing EVER!
"Momma, I really think we need to go to bed early tonight."
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (sound of Heavens singing the joys of the blessings of children)
hot damn! (probably shouldn't mention damn and Heaven so closely, huh? sorry God)
so the man and I had an exciting night planned of.....catching up on movies. we have HBO and something else for free right now, so we thought, "hey! we could actually watch an R rated movie tonight!"
you know what we realized? we haven't been missing much. all of these years of putting movies off until DVD release and then forgetting about biggie.
we watched "Unbreakable" with Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis and Sean Penn's wife.
then we watched the Fantastic 4 Part Two...Surfer something guy.
last night, during dinner, which of course the 2 older Littles refused and picked at because "the rice looks different"...wtfever, kids. I made it. I cooked. I'm eating it. so what if it looks a little "different"(cooked in crock pot so it was a bit more mushy than the norm).
and, btw, the man is such a nonhelper in these situations. when will he learn to keep his mouth shut or simply say, "your Mom is right"? 15 years of training and you know what came out of his mouth? "hmm, I see what you're talking about. the rice is a little different. but, you should try it. I put extra butter on it and it's pretty much OK tasting." NO NO NO!!!!!! do NOT give them validation that simply because the rice is cooked differently than just plain old boiling water that there may be some issue with the rice being edible. do NOT tell them that by adding 5 tablespoons of butter to 1 serving of rice is acceptable!
anyways, once we got over the whole rice issue, my oldest child said the best thing EVER!
"Momma, I really think we need to go to bed early tonight."
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (sound of Heavens singing the joys of the blessings of children)
hot damn! (probably shouldn't mention damn and Heaven so closely, huh? sorry God)
so the man and I had an exciting night planned of.....catching up on movies. we have HBO and something else for free right now, so we thought, "hey! we could actually watch an R rated movie tonight!"
you know what we realized? we haven't been missing much. all of these years of putting movies off until DVD release and then forgetting about biggie.
we watched "Unbreakable" with Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis and Sean Penn's wife.
then we watched the Fantastic 4 Part Two...Surfer something guy.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
growth spurts and Twilight
how do these 2 things correspond to one another? let me tell ya.
I have not read Twilight in any shape or form(meaning no, not even my ipod version with the freaky ass woman who makes Edward sound totally gay and creepy with that scene after the blood typing that they LEFT OUT OF THE MOVIE and he says..."Bellllaaaaaaaaaa"...sort of like he is is trying to add more syllables to the name, I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I do not like that chick's voice) in about 3 weeks. gasp. yes, 3 weeks have gone by and have not been found sitting on my ass with a book open and a nice glass of wine and maybe a girl scout cookie or 2 nearby. well, eff the cookies, I'll save my calories for an extra glass of wine, thankyouverymuch.
anyways, I decided to start reading Twilight again. well, I CAN'T read New Moon because my niece has had it forever and a day and must think her college courses requiring reading are more important than her Aunt's slight fixation on these books. but fine. whatever. see who loves you? just wait and see who brings you nada back from Acciocon, girlfriend.
so I started reading it...not even really sure what time this would be. let's just say...a lot. and I tell you, my children decided then and there that they are starving and although they ate dinner about 20 minutes ago, they need and require more food or they will start the whining.
we had dinner.... I even cooked. (yes, I know...another collective gasp)
we had spaghetti with home-made meat sauce, salad, garlic bread. they each had a serving and ate it all. said they were full. said it was great. well, the littlest Little did not actually say it was great, but when he decided it was quicker to use 2hands to shove noodles into his mouth and seemed happy to be doing so, I took that as a 1 year old version of, "wow, Momma, this is an awesome dinner!"
OK, so I had JUST sat down and read like 5 pages when they entered...."we're hungry".
me- "do you want more dinner or would you like some dessert? we have ice cream for dessert, I was just going to wait until you took your showers and then give you some..."
big Little-"I'd like a hamburger."
middle Little-"can we go to Steak 'n Shake?"
me-"umm, no, we cannot go to S 'n S. we just ate dinner. did you forget that meal we just ate, sitting in the kitchen at the table, all together?"
"I have extra spaghetti and bread and salad, why don't I fix you another plate?"
big Little-"do we have steak?"
middle Little-"can we go out for Chinese?"
I'm seeing that they are not interested in more spaghetti.
"no, we do not have steak right now, and no, we cannot go out for Chinese right now. maybe we can go out for Chinese another night this week. and maybe Daddy can grill steaks another night. but for now, how about an apple?"
"do we have ice cream?"
and this is where I start twitching and looking at my book and thinking that life in Forks couldn't be all that bad.
but I cut up 2 apples, got out some cheese sticks and grapes, and a spoonful of peanut butter for the littlest Little(he hadn't bathed yet anyways, so a little peanut butter in his hair was no biggie)and they ate. and then I put little man into the bath tub and the older 2 had ice cream. and then at about 7:55PM, the big Little said that he really did want some more spaghetti and he proceeded to eat the remaining spaghetti that was supposed to be his Dad's lunch for the next day.
this child goes for weeks barely eating. nibbling on this or that, never a member of the clean plate club. and then, BAM! I pick up Twilight and he becomes an eating machine.
yet just another example of the magic that is Twilight.
I have not read Twilight in any shape or form(meaning no, not even my ipod version with the freaky ass woman who makes Edward sound totally gay and creepy with that scene after the blood typing that they LEFT OUT OF THE MOVIE and he says..."Bellllaaaaaaaaaa"...sort of like he is is trying to add more syllables to the name, I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I do not like that chick's voice) in about 3 weeks. gasp. yes, 3 weeks have gone by and have not been found sitting on my ass with a book open and a nice glass of wine and maybe a girl scout cookie or 2 nearby. well, eff the cookies, I'll save my calories for an extra glass of wine, thankyouverymuch.
anyways, I decided to start reading Twilight again. well, I CAN'T read New Moon because my niece has had it forever and a day and must think her college courses requiring reading are more important than her Aunt's slight fixation on these books. but fine. whatever. see who loves you? just wait and see who brings you nada back from Acciocon, girlfriend.
so I started reading it...not even really sure what time this would be. let's just say...a lot. and I tell you, my children decided then and there that they are starving and although they ate dinner about 20 minutes ago, they need and require more food or they will start the whining.
we had dinner.... I even cooked. (yes, I know...another collective gasp)
we had spaghetti with home-made meat sauce, salad, garlic bread. they each had a serving and ate it all. said they were full. said it was great. well, the littlest Little did not actually say it was great, but when he decided it was quicker to use 2hands to shove noodles into his mouth and seemed happy to be doing so, I took that as a 1 year old version of, "wow, Momma, this is an awesome dinner!"
OK, so I had JUST sat down and read like 5 pages when they entered...."we're hungry".
me- "do you want more dinner or would you like some dessert? we have ice cream for dessert, I was just going to wait until you took your showers and then give you some..."
big Little-"I'd like a hamburger."
middle Little-"can we go to Steak 'n Shake?"
me-"umm, no, we cannot go to S 'n S. we just ate dinner. did you forget that meal we just ate, sitting in the kitchen at the table, all together?"
"I have extra spaghetti and bread and salad, why don't I fix you another plate?"
big Little-"do we have steak?"
middle Little-"can we go out for Chinese?"
I'm seeing that they are not interested in more spaghetti.
"no, we do not have steak right now, and no, we cannot go out for Chinese right now. maybe we can go out for Chinese another night this week. and maybe Daddy can grill steaks another night. but for now, how about an apple?"
"do we have ice cream?"
and this is where I start twitching and looking at my book and thinking that life in Forks couldn't be all that bad.
but I cut up 2 apples, got out some cheese sticks and grapes, and a spoonful of peanut butter for the littlest Little(he hadn't bathed yet anyways, so a little peanut butter in his hair was no biggie)and they ate. and then I put little man into the bath tub and the older 2 had ice cream. and then at about 7:55PM, the big Little said that he really did want some more spaghetti and he proceeded to eat the remaining spaghetti that was supposed to be his Dad's lunch for the next day.
this child goes for weeks barely eating. nibbling on this or that, never a member of the clean plate club. and then, BAM! I pick up Twilight and he becomes an eating machine.
yet just another example of the magic that is Twilight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
he is just so sweet at times, and then he can be a little monster
he really is a sweet little boy. his latest thing to do is that whenever he leaves the room that I am in, or walks outside to play with his older brother and sister....he has to walk up to me, wave bye bye, and kiss the air. every time. he is so sweet I could just eat him up.
and not 10 minutes later, he sits in his highchair and throws spaghetti across the kitchen. and laughs. and then he drank some water and spit it out, onto the floor. to add to the spaghetti mixture.
did I mention I had just mopped the kitchen floor 3 hours ago?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009!
well, New Years Eve was kinda sucky. the man told me he had New Years Eve "off". I assumed that meant he was NOT working. I was awakened at 4:45AM when he jumped from the bed and was out the door by 5:16AM. I must have been delirious, because for a few minutes I was thinking how sweet he was for getting up to go get doughnuts and coffee. and then, when he FINALLY called me back at 3PM to tell me he was on his way home, I unleashed the wrath. OK, so he meant he would be home the night of NYE. I get that now. but do not leave the house without saying boo to me and then leave your damn cell phone turned off. nothing pisses me off more than that. like, he has absolutely no concerns at all that an emergency could happen and I may need to contact him.
and the children were not helping. screaming. fighting. picking fights. woke up their little brother from his much needed nap way too soon.
let's just say that when the man got home, he popped open the champagne at 5ish and I drank it. all. and we had pizza for dinner. I felt a tad better.
the kids wanted to stay up until midnight and I told them it all depended on behavior. let's just say they failed. 10PM they were sent to bed. much crying and whining and begging. nope, not gonna happen. I'm not listening to the 2 of them for 2more hours just fighting with one another because they're "there". no amount of champagne makes that bearable.
they were asleep within 5 seconds of actually laying down. the man and I followed and we were also sleeping soon thereafter.
must be a getting older thing that not actually seeing the clock tick over to 12:00 is not all that bad of a feeling.
and the children were not helping. screaming. fighting. picking fights. woke up their little brother from his much needed nap way too soon.
let's just say that when the man got home, he popped open the champagne at 5ish and I drank it. all. and we had pizza for dinner. I felt a tad better.
the kids wanted to stay up until midnight and I told them it all depended on behavior. let's just say they failed. 10PM they were sent to bed. much crying and whining and begging. nope, not gonna happen. I'm not listening to the 2 of them for 2more hours just fighting with one another because they're "there". no amount of champagne makes that bearable.
they were asleep within 5 seconds of actually laying down. the man and I followed and we were also sleeping soon thereafter.
must be a getting older thing that not actually seeing the clock tick over to 12:00 is not all that bad of a feeling.
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