Wednesday, June 24, 2009

whoa Nelly.....she IS still alive

yeah, so... I could be all full of tales of why I have not been here for almost 3 months. but, well, no excuse. life happens and sometimes you just don't want to actually document it all. nothing bad, just...blah

I have a pierced daughter now. she wanted a graduation present for successfully completing Kindergarten. so, she got her ears pierced. wicked cute and thank God no problems at all.

I now have a 4th grader and a 1st grader. have heard tales that 4th grade is a huge world of different than 3rd. kids change classes. like, my son will have to actually know to bring his science book when he goes to science class. instead of just walking over to his classroom cubby and grabbing it. good luck with that, 4th grade.

my littlest one is showing signs of wanting to potty train. either that or he is just playing with my tender emotional state of deliriousness by the thinking I may be diaper free at some point in life. either way, I'm going with it and he is naked 95% of the time now. cuts down on laundry, too. and one particular area of the backyard is very well watered.

I'm leaving on a woman only roadtrip in.....

woot! woot! woot! woot!

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