Sunday, June 28, 2009

Laundry sucks

I just do not enjoy doing laundry for other people. Yes, I realize I need to just let that feeling go because I have a good 16 years or so of being sort of "required" to do laundry for other people.

But really....I don't feel like I ask for too much.
Can you please not put your socks into the hamper inside out? if you do this, do you know how happy it woul dmake me to fold and put away laundry without having to flip the socks the right way and then end up with a pile of sand and mulch on the floor at my feet? 'cuz then I have to vacuum. again.

Can you not shove the wettest towel you could find into the exact dead center of the hamper so that everything item is now wet, and smelly? because your socks smell really bad now that's summertime.

and you feel the need to go out and open the running dryer to see if your favorite shirt is dry yet, and you stick your grimey hands in there and then get maple syrup on the clothes....could you maybe tell me? I would be so much nicer if you said, "hey Momma. umm, I kind of got the clothes dirty again. you know, the ones in the dryer?"
because if you don't tell me, this happens....continue the drying and then take the clothes into the living room to fold and wonder out loud where the heck all of the syrup came from. do a thorough search of the inside of the dryer in June in Florida when it's over 100 degrees in the garage already, to see if you can find out what leaked/spilled/all over the clothes. then, as I am reloading all of these "clean" clothes into the washing machine, you come up to me and say, "oh...are thos ethe ones that I wiped the syrup on?"

and then you will know why I'm twitchy and sticking my head into the freezer saying Momma needs a few minutes of quiet time by 3:32 PM everyday.

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