Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are you ever struck midconversation with panic.....

that you have absolutely no effing hell idea what the person you are conversing with is talking about? and I don't mean in the quantum physics rules of universe in an alternate plane of field type confusion. I mean, you sort of tune out because maybe the conversation is a tad dull or repetitive, and then all of a sudden, BAM! a word or phrase is said and you realize you have totally missed a huge part of the conversing and you now have to either,
A) pretend that you do know what is being discussed and decide really quickly whether to nod and agree or say something noncommital like, "what are your feelings on it?" or,
B) feign sickness and bolt from the room, or...
C) suck it up and say, "omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch that last part? what did you say?"

and wow, nice run on sentence usage.

let me just tell you, it's bad when you do the third choice. total failure. ended with person turning and leaving the room. sorry bout that. they caught me uncaffinated and sleep deprived and when the conversatuion did not begin with an "OMG! did you hear such and such?....." or a "I was shot and killed last week and lived to tell about it".... well, I entered the zone.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my good Lord, I am so with you. I do that all the time. Bad. Very very bad.

Love your blog - here via Pills Sessions to dole out some comment lovin'

See ya around!
