Friday, March 6, 2009

give me strength

she is 5. the hormaonal fluctuations should not be hitting her yet. right?
she just may be manic.

I swear this child can go from happy-happy to mad as a cow in line at the slaughterhouse in 3 seconds flat.

and what was the latest fit over?
was she forced to eat liver and onions?
was she forced to remove any and all pink accessories from her outfit?
did her brother pee in her Cheerios?

nope....the offense was heinous. it was awful. it was life altering, for sure.

she was asked if she wanted plain water or half juice, half water in her water bottle for school.

yes, come and arrest me now and take me away. I am a horrible mother.
no, can come and get me. I'll be available for at least another 45 minutes before the errands begin.
you have mapquest, right?


DawgDyke said...


And just think, she hasn't hit preteen, teen, or full blown teenager yet.

Anonymous said...

Well, the girl knows what she wants! Kinda like her Ugh...I want to be at YOUR HOUSE right now. So sick of winter.