Thursday, October 15, 2009

flu shots and sounded like a good idea

the school had it's family book fair night tonight. I'm all for books and reading. they then announced that they would have flu shots available also.

I thought, "hey! I can do this! all kids get a flu shot and then they pick out a book. it'll be easy!"

if you are ever within earshot of me and hear me say those words, I am now giving you permission to whack me upside the head with a hard object and remind me of "book fair night".

arrived on time, filled out 4 forms. (me plus 3 kids)
and waited.
had to leave room for nurse's son to have his hissy fit while they held him down for his shot. later learned she paid him $20 to get his flu shot. little shit.

out turn! Momma forst, no problem.
E next...hugs and kisses later and she was fine.
L next, got his in his leg and he let out one surprised "ouchie!" and was done. not a tear from anyone.

until J. the boy was shaking. tears flowing.
and then the shot was over and he erupted into uncontrolled giggles.

I did get everyone their book of choice and we go tthe hell out of there. Momma needs a glass of wine something fierce after that dramafest!

1 comment:

copmom said...

Could have been worse Dear! :) Now they all are "protected" and literate. lol!