Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sleepy Saturdays and cookies

sleepy home at 2AM and got back up at 6AM. not enough sleep. cookies are sugar cookies rolled in intensive decorating today. they are yummy, though!

daughter had her first sleepover birthday party last night! she told me she was going to be nocturnal for the night, but fell asleep at 10PM. she had a great time!

oldest son is off to a birthday party soon today. not a sleepover. the family already has 5 children, 2 of which are twins(birthday boys). maybe I could convince them to keep him overnight? what's one more kid after five, right?

Siberian Orchestra — Trans-Siberian Orchestra


copmom said...

lucky woman! sleepovers already? i think we need a sleepover and cookie party!! i miss you!

Anonymous said...

See, if you would stop fighting me on this and just MOVE NEXT DOOR we could have baking sessions like I used to do in the old neighborhood. Bake together then divy up the goods.

What? Pffa...-28' is nothing. You'll be fine.