Thursday, December 4, 2008

I suck

I should never have publicly stated that I would add a song a day. I missed yesterday. I forgot. I have added 2 for today, though.

I am finally starting to kinda sorta get into the Christmas spirit this year. We have lights up outside, and half of them are not working because we need to get a new extension cord to plug them in. A few months back I was trimming the bushes(yeah, lol)out front around the palm tree and all of a sudden this huge M effer snake came right out straight at me. it shot out right between my feet and I did the only sane thing in the world. I was holding an electric hedge trimmer and I went at the thing with it. it was faster than me. I killed the extension cord and the snake got away. I never got around to buying a new one because, well, how often do you use an extension cord, anyways? Christmas time.
gotta get a new one so we can be all twinkly like the neighbors. although they have a few of those blow up figures in their yard as well. I'm not too keen on Santa and Mary sharing space in my yard.

Christmas in the Caribbean

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