Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was fun:) the Wii is a huge hit. along with a car for the little man. and my daughter is watching the new Barbie Christmas movie as I type. I've been beaten to a pulp in boxing by my oldest son, which he found very amusing. but, I kicked his butt in tennis.

we had almost the whole family here for Christmas Day(4 people never calls....hope they are OK and had a good day...dh's family is known for their no shows). however, I would like to say that if you come to someone's home for dinner, the very least you could do is put your crap into the trash yourself. and if that person has a broken toe, stfu and get up and get your own damn drinks and food. I do have a 1 yr old. I do not leave half-filled cups and plates laying around my home, because, he will find them and dump them. that is what 1 yr olds do. and no, it's really not "cute".
I found a half eaten piece of carrot cake in the bathroom. a half filled glass of wine on the floor by the tree, which the little man was sampling(he apparently likes wine, he slept well last night).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

yep, skipped a day again....but now it's Christmas Eve Day

the night before last, I woke up at about 2AM to the baby crying. I got up, half asleep, and quickly walked to him. as I got to the end of the bed, my little toe on my left foot met the oak chest. hard. crunch hard.
so, long story short= broken toe. purple, swollen, ugly toe. walking on my heel of that foot.
and most likely, no half-marathon.

does that explain my non blogginess feeling of yesterday?

but, today is Christmas Eve Day, and it'll be nice. it's sunny, and 80 degrees here. daughter is the angel in the Kid-Friendly 5PM church service. then we're off to my sister's house for dinner.

I have to cook 2 casseroles.
have the man clean the house.
have son clean hamster cages.
have the man clean up the backyard of leaves so it does not look like the brown tundra anymore.(OK< it ended up raining so we were not outside anyways)
take daughter to rehearsal at 11AM.(and found out that Joseph couldn't make it and volunteered my oldest son to play the part)
be back at church at 4:30ish for service.
double check that house is clean.
have fun.

Joseph and an angel

Christmas Eve Kid's Service

Monday, December 22, 2008

Manic Monday

so, it's Monday. kids are out of school. a cold front went through last night and it is 20 degrees colder today than it was yesterday. so, it's a little bit more "Christmasy" now. and yet, the news says it will be close to 80 for Christmas Day. ho ho ho, don't put the flipflops away just yet.

"Let It Snow!"....cuz, well, it's not gonna snow here and I know my friends are digging out of lots of the white stuff. it is pretty.

I forgot Sunday

church, cookie baking, baby took a nap(gasp!), and I had my song in mind all day for posting...and then I forgot.

"Hot Chocolate"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Polar Express and ladders and Mommas oh my

so, I decided along with the Littles that we needed more lights outside. of course, the man is working today, so I took it upon myself to drag out the broken ladder and the strings of tangled lights. all but 1 bush is now lit in multi-colored lights. (and that damn bush.....let me tell you, if there had not been my 2 children and 2 neighbor children watching me so intently, I would have sworn like a mother effer at those lights) but, I held it in and behaved well. )oh, and no, I did not forget a child...the baby was napping)
then, they wanted the trees done.
well, the man will have to deal with the monster maple trees, but I did well with the oak in the back that is right next to their swingset. until I realized we did not have another extension cord to plug it in. oh well, another trip to Target will take care of that, right?

right now, they are watching The Polar Express and eating popcorn. (and the girl is singing a made-up song about popcorn)

"When Christmas Comes to Town"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday's Festivities

today was the last day of school for the Christmas...err Holiday...err Winter Break. daughter got to wear pajamas to school. she was thrilled with just that. she also had a party at 10AM. so, I dropped them off at school and told them I would be back...sort of "Terminator" style.
now, usually, the little man goes down for a nap at 10:30ish. now I knew today would be an off day, so I tried to feed him like crazy so that he would be stuffed and therefore somewhat sluggish and not run like a madman throughout the school. (this is only my third'd think by now that I would know that a 1 yr old and a school full of kids does not mesh for a "restful" day)
we arrived. had the monkey backpack leash. was going to use it for the first time. this is a huge deal for me....I never thought I would be one of those Mommas who leash their children. and then I had baby #3. I will never, ever pass judgement on a fellow Momma again. the boy is wild and cannot be stopped.
but, I digress. we got there and got to daughter's classroom. and then learned that no, it's not just a class's a Kindergarten music program as well. outside. and it's 80 degrees today. wonderful. nothing like sweating while in Christmas pajamas and singing Jingle Bells. wearing elf hats.

and then we had the class party and it went pretty well. little man ate more and then we said our goodbyes and headed across the campus to oldest son's class. that party was supposed to have already begun, but it had not even started yet. this was a problem, because I was hoping that we could make a quick appearance and head home for naptime.
we stayed for about 45 minutes before he was quickly headed to meltdown mode. I said our goodbyes to the teacher and we got the heck out of Dodge. he fell asleep in the car and we all got to relax a little bit.

he looks so peaceful and attentive here. and the Oscar goes to....

"HeatMiser" from The Year Without a Santa Claus

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa visited the Daisy Troop

today was my daughter's Daisy troop meeting. Daisies are the Kindergarten version of Girl Scouts. she loves it. she gets to see all of her buddies from preschool who all go to different schools now.
today they decorated cookies, ate cookies, drank hot cocoa, ate crackers, and passed out cookies to everyone for a cookie exchange.
and then...Santa Claus showed up! it was very funny to hear the different reactions from the various girls.
"He's not the REAL Santa. I saw the real one at the mall."
"He looks very real."
"I think his beard is really attached to his skin. I don't see a string."
"I think he's beautiful." (my daughter....always impressed by the shabang of a good outfit, that one.)

and then they did an ornament exchange. guess what she got? a Hannah Montana ornament. sooo, in honor of Miss Miley Cyrus....daughter chose the song for the day.

"Rockin Around the Christmas Tree...Hannah Montana style"

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday's notes

made awful cookies.....realized halfway through the mixing that I was reading 2 different recipes and then went ahead and finished up hoping that the chocolate would make it good. it didn't.

have a dinner at church tonight. whole family. bringing the strap-on chair for little man. he's been a tad "boisterous" lately. hoping if we supply him with enough spaghetti and bread, he'll behave. I have doubts.

got Christmas presents wrapped today.
the man got my oil changed.
the man is now trying to fix the garage door. again.

one of my very favorite songs....

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel" by Peter, Paul and Mary

Tuesday...oh yeah, I forgot Tuesday

well, for your listening pleasure....

"God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Craft Time

well, I made 10 "I Spy" bags today
2 bracelets
fixed a necklace
sewed a button
added velcro to a bag
and did 3 loads of laundry

(add pic here later)

"O Holy Night"

Sunday's goodiness

well, my "oh so happy, ready to decorate a gingerbread house, let's sing Christmas carols while we do it" children ditched me in the middle of making the icing for the house. the neighbor came over and invited them over to play Pokemon cards. he was more exciting than me and a gingerbread house, I guess.

oh well, I got to make a "pretty" house. and I sang. and drank wine. what is more cheery than a somewhat tipsy gingerbread house? lol

and check out this icicle action! pretty good for Florida girl, huh?

"Silver Bells"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sleepy Saturdays and cookies

sleepy home at 2AM and got back up at 6AM. not enough sleep. cookies are sugar cookies rolled in intensive decorating today. they are yummy, though!

daughter had her first sleepover birthday party last night! she told me she was going to be nocturnal for the night, but fell asleep at 10PM. she had a great time!

oldest son is off to a birthday party soon today. not a sleepover. the family already has 5 children, 2 of which are twins(birthday boys). maybe I could convince them to keep him overnight? what's one more kid after five, right?

Siberian Orchestra — Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Twilight Friday

OK, so it is not technically a Christmas song or movie, but today was to be the official opening date for Twilight...12/12/08 . But, because Hogwarts had some weather troubles, Harry and the gang had to postpone their latest installment and Twilight got moved up to November. anyways, I went to see the movie again last night. with a group of other obsessed Twilight Moms. great time!
but, man, I am too old for these midnight movies.

Twilight....Electric Light Orchestra

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2 weeks from today.....

is Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my...I need to get some stuff done today.
enjoy the tunes.

JIngle Bell Rock

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

haven't I lost Him before?

first of all, I have to say this... I love Fisher Price toys. Little People stuff is the best.

that said, we have lost baby Jesus. yes, there is currently an all points bulletin out for baby Jesus.

the Little People Nativity Set...great toy. L played with it for over an hour yesterday, according to the man. and now, no Jesus. we went through this a few yars ago. I can't remember if it was Little #1 or #2 who hid Jesus underneath their mattress, but now I can't find that one either.

I know He is here somewhere.

damnit, Jeus, come out and play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Away in a Manger

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the man strikes again

so it is no "new" concept that I work on Tuesdays. why? why? why?
does he wait until I get home at 6PM to begin the dinner process?
I've asked him nicely.
I've yelled. I've cried.
I've put major guilt on him.

none of it works.
I walk in the door to 3 children in Defcon 5 meltdown mode all because they are way over tired and starving. and then it's just so pleasant to make dinner and throw food onto the table while your children are so happy.

I was a bit passive aggressive and drank the last beer and "ahhhed" and "yummed" a bit in front of him.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Monday, December 8, 2008

well, paint me pink and call me tickled

a child of mine has taken it upon himself to do a household chore all by himself! no threats, yelling voices, or a Momma counting outloud to make him do it. I just about fell over and couldn't decide whether I should just smile or cry with excitment.
the littlest Little, (who probably was trying to make it up to me for the whole glitter incident) picked up every article of jammie clothing and put them, one by one, into the hamper. Yeah L!!!!!!!! Momma is so happy! I've trained you in 20 months to do something that your Daddy has not mastered in 49 years! you rock!!!!

Laughing Christmas

Sunday, December 7, 2008

things you do not want to be told while taking a shower

when you have been awake since 4AM because your youngest child does not believe in sleep, and you make it to 9AM and everyone has been fed and clothed and the kitchen has been cleaned up and you decide to go take a shower, this is what you do NOT want to hear.

"umm, Momma?" asks daughter
"yes?" you answer
"umm, I have something to tell you that probably won't make you smile"
"what happened?" I asked, as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair
"well, Luke kind of got th glitter and glittered the carpet"
"what carpet?" I ask, now hurridly rinsing
"the carpet in the family room"
and then in walks the littlest Little and he has blue glitter all over his chin and in his mouth. I guess he decided to eat some glitter while he was decorating?
"I'll be there in a minute" I say, "take L outside for a few minutes"

so, after vacuuming glitter and wiping off chins and making a baby drink water to rinse out the glitter mouth....both older Littles are sentenced to doing hard labor today. they admitted they went to the kitchen for a snack while I showered(they ate waffles like 5 minutes prior to this, why they needed a snack I have no idea)and left the gate open. thus allowing L access to the kitchen with the glitter on the counter which he had to move a chair over to the counter to get to the glitter. all of this happened and neither of them noticed their brother was A)missing, B)making lots of noise in the kitchen by himself, or C)not in the family room playing blocks like he was 1 minute earlier. therefore, windows will be washed, leaves will be raked, floors will be swept, and poop will be scooped in the backyard.

Hark, The Herald Angels Sing

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Take the "Life" Test

OK, so here's a list that I copied from a friendly tea drinking buddy's blog....copy and paste for your own test. oh, and Sonya....I like your way better,anyways!

Bold the Ones You've Done

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars - in a tent
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland (world?)
8. Climbed a mountain9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo(like in front of people? no)
11. Bungee Jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill.
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon...a Half in a few weeks!
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Been transported in an ambulance
46. Walked on a beach by moonlight
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had Chickenpox
89. Saved someone's life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake trust me, you wouldn't WANT to.
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day...umm, Twilight,anyone?

Well, 42 of 100...umm, does that mean I just failed at life?

Peanuts Gang...O Christmas Tree

Christmas at Bass Pro Shop?

so I can understand how stores are hurting and wanting to do whatever it takes to get people to choose their store over so and so's store. and I'd just like to say that Bass Pro Shop, not one of my normal "favorite places to go" succeeded in doing just this. Santa's Wonderland with no wait, fake snow, stuffed reindeer a plenty, toy trains, remote control trucks to play with, and oh yes...the laser gun target practice. mustn't forget that. what's Christmas without a little shooting?

Santa was nice, did not get a pic with all 3 of them looking at me, though. going to try one more Santa to try to get a Christmas card pic.

all was fine until my daughter decided the snow needed a bit of fluffing. handfuls of fake snow went flying through the air. all over us. it was that sparkly, somewhat sticky, fake snow that adhers to your skin. van is kinda sparkly now.

and for your listening pleasure today, in case you don't recognize the's C3-PO ! A Star Wars Christmas...anyone else out there remember watching this atrocious show?

Christmas In the Stars

Thursday, December 4, 2008

the climber has struck

he did it. he learned how to climb out of his crib. 3 times. no broken bones or injuries other than my family's eardrums from the screaming.

he did it for the first time at 12:03AM. wth was he doing awake at 12:03? I heard the thunk...and then the scream. I ran over there, opened the door to see him...not crying because he was hurt. no, crying because now he could not reach his blankie which had not made the trip with him.

I got him settled down, explained the dangers, got him all tucked in again.

2:42AM came the second thunk. same scenario as before.

now, you may ask yourself....why did she put him back in the crib? it was 2:42AM, that's why.

4:23AM and again with the thunk. I brought him to bed with us and he fell asleep immediately and then proceeded to kick the man in the ribs.

guess what I am buying today? no, no, not handcuffs or leashes. a toddler bed. my baby is getting a toddler bed. no more crib.

Sleigh Ride

I suck

I should never have publicly stated that I would add a song a day. I missed yesterday. I forgot. I have added 2 for today, though.

I am finally starting to kinda sorta get into the Christmas spirit this year. We have lights up outside, and half of them are not working because we need to get a new extension cord to plug them in. A few months back I was trimming the bushes(yeah, lol)out front around the palm tree and all of a sudden this huge M effer snake came right out straight at me. it shot out right between my feet and I did the only sane thing in the world. I was holding an electric hedge trimmer and I went at the thing with it. it was faster than me. I killed the extension cord and the snake got away. I never got around to buying a new one because, well, how often do you use an extension cord, anyways? Christmas time.
gotta get a new one so we can be all twinkly like the neighbors. although they have a few of those blow up figures in their yard as well. I'm not too keen on Santa and Mary sharing space in my yard.

Christmas in the Caribbean

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 2

well, technically it is December 3 already, but only by a few minutes. let's not get too picky.
and how is it that I have a king sized bed and have been pushed out? the man is comfy. the baby is comfy. and for some reason the oldest boy is quite comfy in there right now as well. he was muttering something about, "the water is too cold and she won't stop breathing on me" and climbed into my bed.when I asked him who was breathing on him, he said, "Garfield". (the dog....who is also asleep, btw)
hmmmmm, I am beginning to think I have the comfiest, coziest bed in the world. I hope I get to sleep in it soon.

My Grown Up Christmas List

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's December!

and I am going to try to add a Christmas song each day to the playlist. so just be warned that you may be reading about something very inappropriate and hearing jingly bells and Jesus music in the background.

Where Are You, Christmas?

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

so we were watching this off and on while I was making the stuffing. my oldest son loves Foster's Home for Imanginary Friends. it's a cartoon about a house where all of the imanginary friends in the world live in between having a home with a child. kinda cute, sort of a Nickolodeon Monsters, Inc.
so anyways, he yells out that the Foster's float is next. the man asks if it is a little odd to be advertising beer at a holiday parade for kids. I told him it was a different Foster's.
the kids are watching. and then....this happened

and I laughed and laughed and the kids laughed because, hey, they assumed soemthing was pretty funny. the man looks at me and asks me what is so funny? he has NEVER HEARD OF BEING RICKROLLED. gasp...must keep him more informed of all of my useless knowledge.