Friday, August 1, 2008

reading will be my demise

so, Holly tipped me off to a really good series to read. it's going to be a movie that comes out in December and looks really ,really good. it has that really hot guy who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movies in it. (why did poor Cedric have to get offed by Voldemort? seriusly, if JK Rowling had known this yummy guy would be picked to play Cedric, she may have rewritten that little part. maybe? oh geeze, who am I kidding? that woman has that whole series mapped out in her mind in a concrete block vault. no changing the storyline.of course, she is kind of successful at it, perhaps her way is better in some way. but Cedric is nice to look at next to those Weasley brothers.umm, I digressed...sorry)
the books are called The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. who knew you could actually want to be the girlfriend of a vampire?
well, I finished the 1st book and went right into the 2nd. I stayed up until a little before midnight reading last night. and then, since my son has been sleeping so well lately, he decided this morning he needed to get up at 4AM and start his day. loudly.
I got him up, gave him breakfast #1. he ate, played, generally wayyy too happy for this time of day. we stayed up for about an hour or so, and then the man got up and asked me why I was up. yes, yes, he saw that the baby was awake and playing in the family room. he still asked. (in my mind, the response was, "oh, I don't know. I just thought it would be a great idea to start the day at 4AM and see what the house looks like at this time of day." ) instead, I just stared at him and sipped my coffee a bit. he ate, got dressed, and left in a while to go to work. he gets in at least 3 hours of work sometimes before anyone from the outside world arrives. he likes it this way. less smile time for him. Mr Grouchy Grouch McGruff Gruff.
so, I'm up. all kids are up and dressed. we're off to the grocery store. maybe I can sneak in some reading time this afternoon. oh, wait, we have a playdate scheduled. yeah, more midnight reading for this Momma.

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