Thursday, August 21, 2008

yes, the storm is STILL here

it's Thursday and it is still raining. actually, today we actually had tropical storm force winds and sideways rain...and school. so for two days the kids were home in cloudy, off and on rainy weather and today they got on the school bus in a monsoon. I kept watching for a news update, sure that they would be cancelling school. nope, the little ones are back in school.
I realize the school system cannot foresee the weather conditions. I realize they have to make a decision in enough time to post that decision and for the parents to get everything scheduled. however, having 3 children and a dog inside the house for 3+ days and no playing outside for longer than a 10-15 minute stretch is enough to drive a Momma insane. I seriously do not know how Moms who live in snow/blizzard country deal with this. perhaps that is what the basements are for..."Momma's quiet room", with padded walls and alcohol.

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