Wednesday, August 27, 2008

well fuck me(excuse the language)

the van is paid off. what happens? I now am without a vehicle because yesterday on my way to work, I noticed the brakes were making a hissing noise and were not braking as quickly as they were before. so, I get the receptionist to follow me at lunch to drop off the van at the place where I just got a complete brake job done a year ago and is still under warranty. she drove me back to work.

a few hours later, I get a chance to call and check on the van.....
diagnosis= the problem is not covered under the warranty because my brakes are absolutely fine. the power brake system in the van is about to completely fall apart and it is so bad that they cannot release the vehicle to me because they took it all apart to see what was happening, and a part that they took out is disenigrating and they do not have a new part to replace it with, so basically, I'm screwed.
and how much will this cost? about $600. lovely.

I'm so glad I don't have a car payment to make anymore. I'd much rather pay it to Goodyear. it's so much fun to know that I own a piece of crap vehicle that could have killed me and my children at any given point.

so, car should be ready on Friday. now I just need to come up with $600 by Friday to be able to pick up the piece of crap car. I guess it's a good thing I went back to work. although, I had thoughts of buyign a new car with my extra income, one that gets better gas mileage and is a bit smaller. I had no idea I would be paying to keep the van all in 1 piece first before i could even save some money for a new car.

silly me. I thought this would be easy. hahahahahahaha. wth was I thinking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'd look STUNNING in a 5 seater convertible. Kids love fresh air...and bugs in their teeth. And "the Man" won't have any head space issues (until it rains - then he'll just have to stay home)