Friday, August 22, 2008

and it is still raining

hello from soggy Mommaland. yes, it is still raining. a lot. I went outside for a very quick tree limb pick-up and swept off the front porch. mustn't have the neighbors thinking I don't keep the house tidy during a tropical storm ;) and then, the rain started pelting me sideways and so I came back inside. to my hyper children who have been cooped up in the house with me for too many days. you know it's bad when they are fighting over a firetruck that sings. the 5 and the 8 year old were the ones fighting. the baby was sitting there, looking at his firetruck with an expression of "wtf? that is MINE" on his little face. Momma intervened and got the annoying thing away from the big kids and gave it back to the baby. however, this thing maybe just get "lost" when he takes his nap.

"Here I come, zooming down the street
with my lights a flashing and my tires squeak.
I'm cute but tough
I'm a rescue truck
I'm coming your way so don't give up."

do you feel my pain yet?

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