Monday, August 18, 2008

1st day of school and oh yeah... Tropical Storm Fay

it is here! the 1st day of school for 2008/2009. I have a 3rd grader and a Kindergartener. (and the baby...he's still home with me for a bit)

sweet bliss.....they'll have a plan for Monday-Friday from 8:30AM - 3:00PM that I do not have to be in charge of. we purposely made this summer low key and not jam packed with "stuff". well, for the past few weeks all we have heard is how boring we are and how horrible we are as parents for not planning a super spectacular summer extravaganza for them.

and, on a related note...we have out 1st Tropical Storm/almost hurricane to threaten FL this year. her name is Fay and she looks to be trying to disturb the school schedule for Tuesday. we are supposed to have rain, tropical storm force winds and tornados on Tuesday/Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
obviously, Fay is NOT a Momma. she would never have planned this appearance for the second freaking day of school is she were.

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