Saturday, August 23, 2008

well well well...I do live in the Sunshine State!

oh burns, I'm squinting. oh my Lord! the sun is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes, it appears TS Fay has moved westward and Central FL is now not getting dumped on by horrendous amounts of rain anymore. at least for now. it is still smack dab in the middle of hurricane season. and hey, the weathermen thought it would be hilarious to actually SHOW us that there are like, 2 more systems forming right now in the Atlantic Ocean.
those guys...they are really precious.

I got off pretty easy. we lost some limbs off of our maple trees. we have a ton of small branches and oak leaves all over the yard. also, some of my neighbor's have magnolia trees, and we appear to have part of their trees in our yard, too. I have already gone out and sprayed down the front and back porches and set up the patio table again.
we will be outside at some point today. it is a bit on the soggy side right now, but the sun is out and I have faith that the children will have outdoors time today. and Momma, too. I'm looking pale and frazzled. that is what a storm that keeps you cooped up in your house for days on end does to us Mommas.

and, just an update on the book....I am working on it. not a lot was done this week, as the kids were here and I cannot just sit and type a novel with 3 children asking me questions about barometric pressure and sinkholes and what was the first type of dinosaur that Jesus made.(yeah...try explaining that) and yet, kids are easy in that if you have a serious face and hold in the giggles and sighs, they will believe anything you tell them.
and the first dinosaur was the Adamasaurus, in case you were wondering;)

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