Sunday, June 1, 2008

well, check out the increased number of pets

for those of you who follow the blog, you'll notice that the number of pets has increased by 2. my son tried really hard to convince me that his next pet should be a snake, and when he realized his defeat, he decided another hamster would be OK. (by the way, he also tried to sell me on the idea of a tarantula(yeah, umm, so I could kiss any further visits from a certain Canadian family goodbye forever) and a large lizard. I was OK with the lizard, except after doing some research on them, they do not really like to be handled very much, and that is a definite negative. my son enjoys carrying his pets everywhere with him. and cuddling with them. and doing the whole attachment parenting thing with his hamster.
so, we went to the pet store, and looked at the hamsters. they are so darn cute. somehow, the cuteness worked on me and I heard the words, "maybe we should get 2 so they can continue to cuddle and have a friend all of the time". I swear, those words just flowed out of mouth and before I knew it, we were in the car on the way home with 2 hamsters.(both are female, so no, we will not have a million little cuties anytime soon)
the black one is named Callie. she is named Callie because my son has a friend in his class named Callie, but she is not his girlfriend. he made this point very clear to us about 4 times yesterday.
the golden one is Skipper. Skipper is definitely the less "skippy" one of the 2, but it does fit. I tried to get him to name the black one Barbie, but he said no way. he had no idea that there is a Barbie friend named Skipper. when I was little, Skipper was the cool one. she was the one who was sort of a tomboy and had fun while Barbie seemed too preoccupied with matching her eye shadow to her dress color. but, I digress.....
anyways, here is a pic of true 8 year old happiness. a boy and his hamsters.

oh, and Happy 2008 Hurricane Season! we have already begun with a tropical storm (Arthur)...but no where near me.

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