Sunday, June 29, 2008

well, no success at killing anything in the rodent family yet

the man cannot find the traps. so, we're off to buy some. he does not believe me, I think. he keeps saying things about "field mice" and "all of this rain we've had have driven them up to the house from the woods to be nice and dry."
umm, I'm not the Rodent Holiday Inn and they are not welcome and they better get their little rat tails out of here before they get the 'ole "chop chop" with the trapitty trap. (in case you're wondering, I'm talking in baby talk because in my worst nightmares, these rats can read my blog and will know where we set the traps and just hang out a bit longer for the pure joy of causing me terror and twitches).

so, you should have seen us this morning. I took everything out of my side of the garage and cleaned the floor with bleach water. no mice/rats were found. little droppings were found, however. I actually used this as an excuse to do a major clean out/declutter and got rid of a lot of junk that has just been sitting out there, apparently looking like a cozy home for a rat. so, I pitched a bunch of stuff.
all of this time, my son was standing at the ready...Pirates of the Caribbean sword in hand, ready to protect his Momma and/or beat a rat. he was a little disappointed that no rats jumped out at me. I, however, was just fine with that.

so, we got the clean side of the garage cleaner. now the man can do his side on Tuesday. his side involves a lawnmower and other yard stuff and a workbench. and his side is way dirtier than mine was. I told my son that he maybe would get a chance to use that sword on Tuesday.

and now, we are back from a swim and all fed and dry and the baby is sleeping. I am almost caught up on laundry. and the kids are watching some really odd show on TV. something called the 2008 Euro Finals or something. it's soccer. anyways, the halftime show was people dresses as Amadeus and people inside balloon covered Christmas trees. I kid you June. so, want to hear what an American child has to say about this? of course you do, I can't make up the stuff she says, she is hilarious!
me-"so, E, what are you watching?'
E-"umm, it's in Yourrrrroooo. is that near North Carolina?"
me-"nope honey, Europe is a different country across the Atlantic Ocean."
E-"ohhhhhh, so it's near the Queen?"
me(impressed!)-"yes! the Queen does live in Europe. I'm not sure which country this game is in, but maybe the Queen is there, watching."
E-(rolling her little eyes a bit)"umm, Momma....Queens do NOT like soccer."
me-"how do you know?"
E-"well, you can't wear your crown and dress when you play soccer! they would get all dirty and a Queen can never be seen dirty. it's the truth. it's a law."

so, they are still watching the soccer. they are impressed with the amount of sweat that is flying off of these guys' heads when they do a hard kick. other than that, we're all still confused on the Christmas trees.

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