Thursday, June 12, 2008


well, I thought the current bathing situation that occurs in my house was OK for the time being. my poor, sweet daughter. she is so....gaggable. poor thing!
so last night, oldest son was in the shower by himself. daughter and baby were in the bathtub together. they play well, they love to dump water on one another, and generally get along very well. so I take this time as my child-free time to clean up the kitchen post dinner.
last night, I am loading up the dishwasher and am listening to giggling and laughjing and splashing and then all of a sudden, I hear a very serious 4 year old voice scream out, "POOP! POOP! POOP!".
and I knew, he did it again. he pooped in the tub. but this time, daughter was in the tub with him, the other times he has been alone.(well, not alone, I was in the bathroom...but alone as in he was the only person in the tub.)
sigh. I go in there, and yes. yes. there is poop. lots of poop. floaters and sinkers. and my daughter is STILL SITTING IN THE TUB. surrounded by poops. I tell her to get out right now and step onto the rug. she does and is dry heaving all over the place. I looked at her eye to eye and told her point blank, "I have no time to clean up puke right now, I'm busy with poop. look over the other way and think of a happy thought." (seriously, where do I find these words sometimes? "think of a happy thought"? way too many Disney movies)
so I am draining the tub, one hand on son who is now trying to help me by catching the poops(he got 1...flung it into the open toilet and then sat down and clapped for himself), other hand scooping poops and trying to not smell. got it all emptied, took son out and cleaned tub with Clorox wipes, re-filled tub and the bathing resumed. my daughter was traumitized. she kept looking at her baby brother with this look of utter disgust and saying, "you can just be so gross sometimes". lol (I had to take this opportunity to tell her that she also did the poop bath a few times as a baby, to which she vehemently denies)
I asked her if she was done taking baths with the baby. her response, "as long as he doesn't poop, he's an OK kid."
thinking back on the weeks in the hospital due to the fact that the boy couldn't poop, I found that statement amusing.

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