Saturday, September 13, 2008

in case you have ever wondered how many Hot Wheels cars can fit inside of a toilet.....

I have that answer for! read on.....

"The number of Hot Wheels cars that can successfully inserted into a standard American toilet"

"oooh!!!! ooohhhhhh! Alex, I have that answer!!!!!!! pick me! pick me!"
that's me, waving my little clicker thingy wildly in the air, jumping up and down, smiling like a crazy woman at Alex Trebek

Alex smiles condescendingly towards the cray woman and says, "You'll need to phrase that in the form of a question".

I smile at my utter silliness of forgetting that most important part. "Of course, Alex", I say, in my most adoring voice. because he IS the God of trivia, you know.
"What is 23?" I ask, in a very securebeentheredonethatMomma voice. (yes, yes...I know that's not a "real" word)

"that is correct!"

I smile in that all knowing smile that all of those freakishly smart people smile like. you know, the ones who know the first word of the Koran but probably could not change a diarrhea diaper without making the entire room a complete mess? those people.

and how do I knwo the answer to that question? (the one about the toilet) why, I have now added that experience to my Mommalife. today. this morning, in fact.
7:freakin 22 AM. I had 23 assorted Hot Wheels cars in my kid's bathroom toilet. courtesy of the smallest miracle. he was quite proud of himself. you see, I had made the ultimate Momma mistake #1 of taking a shower. whilst I soaped and exfoliated myself, the little love was gathering cars and shoving them down the toilet.
yes, they all came out. yes, the toilet was clean. yes, the water was all over the floor. yes, I gagged a bit and had to swallow that upcoming "I'm gonna hurl because my hand is all the way inside of the toilet and I KNOW what has been in this toilet" feeling.

thinking of installing those handy dandy high latches on all doors of the house. or perhaps I am raising a future Roto Rooter King. I haven't decided just yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling latches won't help with the latest edition. He the arts of driving-momma-to-drink. Oh...and hubby says he's also advanced in his vocalization of the south-american whooping-screech-monkey. No...we haven't forgotten.