Thursday, May 15, 2008

OK, I'm past Mother's Day now

onto new postings. not thinking about it anymore.

on that note, son's school carnival is tomorrow! it is always lots of fun, and lots of work. but, this year I think we have the work part under control, mainly because the teacher chose an easy thing to do at our booth...temporary tattoos. we have tattoos, sponges, water, trash bag, paper towels....and a sign that I made. only problem is that for some amount of time I will have all 3 kids and be working at said tattoo booth with no man around. he is supposed to "try" to get out of work early, but we'll see. worst case scenario is I have a munchkin in a playpen, a 4 year old who thinks she is 30 and an 8 year old who thinks he runs the school on my hands. easy, right?
so in addition to the carnival, each class made a basket for a raffle. probably 10% of them ended up being an actual basket. the rest are huge towers/boxes/coolers filled with great stuff. there is a poker table with all of the fixings for a poker night. there is a tent with all of the camping gear you could need. there is a computer system. our theme was the beach. we have a great set up with a cooler, beach bag and grill all filled with beach stuff. the parents donated some really cool stuff! (did I mention I am room mom?)
OK, off to find and make sure the playpen has everything I need to keep a 13 month old happy and occupied in it, a small cooler with snacks and drinks, the tattoo stuff, and tropical clothing for all of us to wear. oh, and I need to do a load of laundry, mop the kitchen, and vaccuum. the fun days of me, I tell ya. the excitement is overwhelming.

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