Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day can be the suckiest holiday

I really do not ask for a lot. and I am in a nice home, drive an OK car, and have 3 wonderful, healthy children. why then, does the man have to piss me off every flipping Mother's Day? is it too much to get a cup of coffee brought to me? is it unreasonable that someone besides me makes breakfast for once? is it totally insane for me to get to actually sleep 8 hours in a night? uninterrupted?
well, I guess I ask for way too much from this man, because, I got none of that. zilch. zero. nada.
that is, until around 2PM when it was painfully obvious that there was not anything planned, that I had my quiet little hissy fit and told my husband just how much he sucked. I brought up his dead Mother, I told him I'll bet he never ever dared to blow off Mummy's Day with HER, I told him if I had known today was going to so depressing that he should have told me ahead of time so I could just leave and spend the day by myself. after this hissy fit, he immediately raced around the house putting on clothing(yes, it was 2PM)and grabbed 1 child and left. I laid down to take a nap while the baby was asleep and son#1 was in the backyard playing in the sandbox and planning a mass dinosaur invasion.
so, he returned and then told me he needed my help to make my present. woke me up to tell me this. he was racking up the husband points like wild.
my present was a white t-shirt that he wanted all 3 kids to do handprints on. (OK, wonderful thought and I love that kind of stuff. however, I made him this same shirt in 2003 and actually had it ready for him on Father's Day so he could wear it). he did not know what kind of paint to use. where is the paint? do the kids open the fabric paint themselves and squirt it onto the shirts and smear it to make a handprint? I swear to you, this does nothing for my opinion of a Catholic school never made a t-shirt with fabric paint? guess they were too busy memorizing the Bible to have art class????
so, I got the paint out, showed him how to open the paints, got some cardboard to place under the shirt, did little daughter's hands so he could watch, and then he took over and did the boys' handprints. it turned out very cute. I haven't worn it yet because it is still wet due to the copious amount of paint used. maybe it'll be ready next Mother's Day.
so, after all of this....he says at about 5PM,"where should we go for dinner?" umm, no. all 3 kids need baths from playing in the sandbox and adding the hose into the dinosaur invasion/flood scene son#1 created, it's 5PM on Mother's Day and I know every restaurant will be packed. and, if he had noticed earlier, I had spaghetti sauce cooking and water turned on to start boiling already for the pasta.
I know that all men are not this....clueless. I know that some women out there actually had a marvelous day yesterday and I am so happy for them.
am I upset? do I hold a grudge?
damn right I do and when Father's Day rolls around, he can kiss his coffee and sleeping in time goodbye. my plans are still foggy, but any suggestions on ho to make his day as sucky as mine was are welcome.

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