well, I can now say I am the Momma to an eight year old. an eight year old....how the heck is that possible?
my son somehow convinced me that a sleepover party was a good idea. we invited 5 eightish year old boys, and we had 3 spend the night, plus my son. we went to DisneyQuest first, and took the boys on some virtual reality rides, tons of video arcade type games, and dinner. eight year old boys are not really good at ordering dinner. 1 asked for something completely different after I sat his ordered dinner in front of him. I had to explain that this was not my kitchen nor was it his Mom's kitchen, he told me he wanted pizza and therefore he will eat pizza, not a hotdog. he seemed to grasp that info and sat down and ate his pizza.
I only had one heart failure that night. from the time it took us to walk from one game to another, 1 boy disappeared. yes, I was frantic. turned out that missing boy was also line-cutter boy, and had cut in line to hop into a car to ride Nascar. without the rest of us. like we had planned on riding next. all together. did I mention the all together part? we found him, I used my "Mommy would be very upset if you did not come home and I would be in so much trouble if you had really disappeared please do not even let go of my hand for the remainder of the night thank you very much" speech and look and that seemed to do the trick. the boy did not so much as cough without telling me about it for the rest of the night.
my husband was along for the party, and he entertained us with his motion sickness pale, ashen face following one virtual reality ride. then, he found a jet flying game and he was fine after that:) I did admit that for about the last 30 seconds of that ride I was thinking, "OK, I'm done....great visuals, fantastic animation, don't really care where the eff the jewels are, though, Aladdin, dude", but hubby was very close to barfing, I think. lol...ahhh, the joys of getting older.
so, we get home and my niece had babysat the other 2. daughter was up and wide awake and ready to tell us all about the newest Barbie movie. baby was awake, but almost asleep. niece looked like she was about to kiss the floor in gratitude that we had, indeed, come home. got boys to change into jammies, opened presents, had Sponge Bob cupcakes. everyone was happy and we got them all situated as to who was sleeping where and let them have the power of the remote, which ended up on Cartoon Network.
niece and daughter went to bed. brought baby to bed with us since I knew he would not go to sleep with all of the racket in the family room. plus, he's a cuddler. I like sleeping with him, he snuggles and makes cute little sighs.
sorry, got off on a tangent of baby love.
well, all was good until 1:30AM when 1 boy decided he was "bored" and wanted to go home. (I seriously wanted to ask him what was so exciting going on at his house at 1:30 that we were considered boring, but thought better of it and said OK). I called up Dad in our neighborhood and he came over and picked him up. the rest of the 3 slept through the night until 1 little darling came in and woke me up at 4:30 to tell me he had to go home at 8:30AM because he was going to have his 1st Communion soon and he had to go to school for it and it was really important because it was for God. (how I remember this I have no clue, because I sure did not set my alarm for 8:30 or anything, but I do clearly remember telling him OK and that yes it was very important to be on time for God). back to sleep.....
they woke up at 7 and had doughnuts and milk. also a few leftover cupcakes. hey, you only turn 8 once, right? lol all kids were gone by 9:30AM and my house was a complete wreck. did a quick clean up and went back to bed, leaving hubby in charge(he had slept in). family arrived around 2PM for cake/BBQ/more presents. did the family stuff and had fun. rained/poured/torrential rainstorm while hubby BBQ'd...lol.
all in all, it was a fun birthday. not going to be inviting multiple boys over for a sleepover again anytime soon, but it was fun. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep. I don't think I'm ever actually going to, though!
the next day I took cupcakes and juice for his 2nd grade class. I'm sure his teacher loved me. let's load up the kids on cupcakes and then settle down for Science. (sorry, Mrs. B!)
oldest son was happy. he had the first sleepover party of his group of friends. he told me I was a cool Momma.
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