Thursday, September 20, 2007

did I mention my son started karate?

he went to a birthday party at a local karate school, and got a free pass for 2 weeks of lessons and a free outfit(yes, I know it has a name, but to me, it's an outfit). he is a white belt and loving it. we go 2 times each week. however, last night he woke up and came into our bed at some point(do your children have this ability? they can now get into bed with us and we do not even hear/feel/sense them until the morning. or if a stray arm or foot is laying on your face, then you wake up just enough to reposition the little blessing and then go back to sleep).well, he then proceeded to have a dream about karate class and double punched me in the back and then screamed "KYAHHHHH" into the back of my head. the boy has a nice punch, I'll say that much. needless to say, I woke up. first, I made sure who exactly was punching me. if it had been the husband, there would have been words and perhaps a pillow onto the face(just kidding, sweetie). however, it was my firstborn, so I kind of shrugged it off and made a note of his forceful sounding Kyah. in my sleep induced state, I was willing to let this pass and be proud of him.
then, at approximately 3:42AM, he did it AGAIN. this time was not quite as "cute". he is going to be 8 this weekend, the kid can punch, and I do not know karate. I decided then and there I needed to pay more attention in karate class and learn some blocks. he only gets into bed with us maybe once a month or so, so maybe I'll have time to hone my skills before the next surprise attack.
oh, and when I told him what happened...he thought it was hilariously funny and then asked, "but did it hurt, Momma? we're supposed to make it strong, but I never thought I would hit you". awwwwwww, he is so sweet. makes those little fist shaped bruises on my back almost bearable.
now, the 4 year old wants to sign up as well. they do not take kids until they are 5, so perhaps she'll decide macrame or pottery is more up her alley by then. I can only hope.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hmmmm, I think you should just point him in hubby's direction next time. Hehe.