Friday, September 14, 2007

An explanation of the name

so, when I was a little girl, I always played with my dolls and pretended to be a Mommy. and I was always referred to my the dolls as "Mommy". I call my own Mom, well...Mom. I never in my life ever have called someone Mama or Momma(whichever spelling you prefer). but, when my now almost 8 yr old son said his first word, it was Momma. and it has stuck. he still calls me Momma, my daughter calls me Momma, and I'm sure when the baby talks, I'll be Momma to him, too. I guess the word had some negative connotations for me, but now, I've embraced it. I like it. I can always tell in a room full of kids when one of mine needs me because I am pretty much always the only "Momma".
I have also gotten used to the term because of a website I go to, AmityMama. I was not around it when it was first started, but now I visit it almost daily. nice, interesting bunch of women there. a bit more "crunchy, granola, cloth diapers and such" than I will ever be, but I like it. I get a lot of good ideas from them and have become a slightly less commercially driven buyer because of the sites they have exposed me to. things like wooden toys instead of plastic colossal structures. 100% cotton simple clothing rather than dressing in what everyone else in suburbia has on today. (but don't get me wrong, when I am skinny again, I will be dressing in fitted clothing and flaunting my skinny ass! lol)
but, I digress.... I am Momma.(and this spelling is because this is how Jack decided it was to be spelled. when he was having such a tough time learning to write and spell, this is how he liked the word to look, so that is how we spell it. the firstborn has spoken, and that's how it is).
Momma must now get off of the computer and go be a Momma. today, this includes such excitement as laundry, putting away the dishes that some have now been washed twice that are in the dishwasher, getting family ready for a family pic tonight for our church pictoral directory, and I think following that I will drop off the fam and go grocery shopping by myself. we officially have no juice in the house except for Gatorade, 1 mushy banana and a boatload of apples. think i could convince the husband to become vegan for a night?

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