Monday, September 17, 2007

Security Cameras...every Mom needs at least 1

why have I not thought of this sooner? it took me 3 children to realize that a security camera would be a useful tool for the kid's bathroom. that way, I could at last have positive proof who is spitting all over the mirror every morning and who is wiping their butt and choosing to throw the toilet paper away INTO THE TRASHCAN. (don't get me wrong, I am tickled pink that the child is wiping, is going to the bathroom and putting all "deposits" into the toilet...but why oh why is the child refusing to flush the paper????) you see, Moms have these little mysteries to solve. we stay up at night worrying about why our children are doing such things. did I say something when he/she was potty training that has somehow scared them into thinking something horrible will happen if they flush the used toilet paper? are they so ecologically aware that they are doing their own little part by not flushing more paper? do they think I like to see their proof of being in there? no one will admit to doing it. both of them say "not me", and the baby is still in diapers, so he's off the hook...for now. as for the mirror spitting, I seriously think they are in training for the 2012 Olympics when they will add the sport, Competitive Mirror Spitting. I swear to you, I Windex that mirror once a day. every morning it looks as if someone took a toothbrush dipped in toothpaste and spit and flung it onto the mirror. maybe they are using it as a creative outlet and I am erasing a masterpiece daily. hmm, we have paper and crayons and paint and markers for that. I can't live with a spotted mirror. I have my issues, I suppose.
anyways, back to my brainstorm about the security camera. yeah, yeah, yeah.....privacy issues. hey, I promise I'd turn it off if anyone other than my children used that bathroom. I'm not interested at all in anyone else's bathroom habits, just my kids'!

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