Monday, January 7, 2008

you think you've got your schedule all together and then... BAM!

I've mentioned my son takes karate classes. he is an orange belt now and has been going to classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30PM since the school year began. apparently now that has changed and no one told me.
we showed up on time(or so I thought) for his class tonight, and I see a class in progress that has a lot of familiar faces in it. in fact, all of the kids in the class are from Jack's class. one parent whispers to me, "class starts at 6 now." uh, huh? so after I processed that there was only about 5 minutes left of the class, I told Jack to just wait and we'd talk to the Sensei after class. so then I asked him how he knew about the time change, and he says, "oh, I asked a bunch of questions after the last class before the holidays". great. wonderful. I am the loser parent who just assumed classes would remain the same after the holiday break. I mean, far be from me to assume that maybe the school could have written an email(they have my addy) or maybe put a notice into the mail or something? I guess I am not the only parent, though. one other Mom walked in and found out and her reply was that her ex probably had the schedule and just didn't tell her the time change so she'd look bad.some issues there, I guess.(closing my eyes and whispering....never getting a divorce. never getting a divorce. never getting a divorce.)
so, now our schedule has changed. (I really hate changes like this.) off to re-do the weekly planner now. grrrrrrrrrrr

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