Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year (and yes, I know it's the 2nd)

well, better late than never, right? I spent the majority of yesterday taking advantage of(err, loving his company)my hubby. we got all of the Christmas stuff down(well, the lights are still on the swing set...the kids love that)and up into the attic once again. some spell was cast upon hubby and he decided all on his own to clean out his side of the closet. gasp. now, this does make me happy, however it also means that I now have to do the same on my side. can't have his side looking more organized than mine. no no no.

we did some sparklers and some legal(boring)fireworks in the backyard. drank a bottle of champagne and rang out 2007 with a little zing zing.(I say we closed out 2007 because the man was fast asleep and snoring by 11PM) I, however, decided to stay awake until 1 watching some shows that have been on the dvr forever. I am now all caught up on Nip/ that show!
then, at 3AM, Luke decided it was time to start the New Year...still sick:( I let everyone else sleep until 9 and then passed him off to Daddy and went in for a shower and nap. I wish I could be a nap person. it never works for me...either I sleep way too long and am then awake too late that night, or can't sleep and just lay there thinking that I am wasting my nap time by not sleeping. ugh. so, I rested for an hour or so, but since the baby was crying and obviously not happy with whatever Daddy was doing with him, I got up. what was Daddy doing? watching football, i.e. ignoring everyone else in the room.
OK, off to Walgreens yet again for the latest Rx for Luke. now we're trying liquid Albuterol. we'll give each and every drug company a fair chance. thank God for insurance, we only pay $9 per Rx.

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