Wednesday, January 30, 2008

my children, the hole diggers

so last night at about 6PM, I walked outside to tell the neighbor boy that it was time to go home and that it was time for dinner for J & E. I see one of our neighbors (she lives on the next street, but her backyard and our backyard touch at one corner) standing at my fence, waving at me to come over. I tell J and E to go inside with L and I walk over to her. apparently, she has a big hole in her yard and she saw J, E, and neighbor boy with shovels. I apologize profusely, she is very nice about it and I say that I will make it clear that they are NOT to dig in other people's yards, etc. so I spoke with all 3 of them(neighbor boy was still inside the house when I came back), they all said they were sorry and would not do it anymore. this morning, neighbor husband comes over. he asks me if I have seen the hole. no, I just talked to his wife about the hole, I did not actually see it. I walk out back and walk over to his side yard and there is this hole that is about 1 foot in diameter and at least 4 feet deep I kid you not, E could probably stand in the hole and her head might be even with the ground. I apologize even moreso. I am so embarrassed. I ask him if he will leave it alone and not fill it in yet, so that the kids can do this for him when they get home from school. he says that is not necessary, but if that is what I want than he will not do it. E got home from school, I talked with her. J gets home, I talked with him. I got the wheelbarrel and J held 2 shovels and off we went. E was pushing L in the swing in the backyard, that was her keep Luke happy while we filled in the hole. 2 wheelbarrels full of dirt and the hole is no longer there. then, I watched as J & E scooped up the dog poop in the backyard together. then, E Windexed the sliding glass doors and J put away his laundry. we are walking over after dinner so that they can apologize in person. I have no freaking idea how 3 kids dug such a deep hole. and not one of them was dirty.
J did say when we were filling it in that they were on the lookout for in dinosaur bones.
so at least it started as an educational destruction of property?
there's always a bright side.

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