Friday, April 23, 2010

what I watch on TV

Friends yes, i realize it has been off the air for a few, years...but I will stop and watch a few minutes of this show whenever browsing the menu on TV

Real Housewives of Wherever the Fuck You may Live (RHOWTFYML) I don't care if they live in California, New Jersey, New York or Timbuktu. I'm watching!

Vampire Diaries the boys are pretty. enough said.

V that Anna chick scares me. sort of like my 1st Statistics professor. she looked nice, until she opened her mouth and started talking and you just knew she hated Earth.

Ghost Hunters I think the funniest shit on this show is when Steve and Tango freak out over a spider. yet they will see chairs move and people walk by when they are alone and question if it was paranormal or not. a spider, though? they will run and scream like a girl. I love that!
Oh, and there's the whole, I'm a plumber by day and ghost hunter by night thing. naw, I still love Steve and Tango. I once tried to talk my son into going to a convention with me and using his cuteness to get me closer to the Steve/Tango action. he refused me. punk.

The Weather Channel look, I live in Florida and things like huge ass hurricanes that rip your roof off of your house happen here. I want to know when I need to freak out. I like to be prepared.

2 Million Kids and Counting because, come on, they are not done. poor TLC has to keep changing the damn name of the show to keep up with the Duggar family. their graphics people have a very stable job as long as the viewers continue to want to peek into their home. (and I LOVE that house!!!!!! if I could be married to JimBob and have him build me a house like that, well, let's just say maybe I would have more than 3 children, too! not 19....I would be rocking in a corner with drool coming out of my mouth)

umm, that's my regulars. for now. I do NOT watch the Military Channel. ever. my husband loves that crap. let's watch a show about a war from 80 years ago! yeah, we know who won and who lost. no thanks.

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