Friday, April 9, 2010

oh, yeah...she used to be a friend

do you have people in your life who at some point, you truly considered them "a good friend", and now you have no idea what or who they are? I'm not really sure if this happens more now since the invention of things like Twitter and Facebook and MySpace(do people still even use that one?). it seems like you can find just about anyone on those sites and sometimes, you wish maybe you hadn't clicked on that last "search" button.
I keep up with some of these people, moreso for my own curiosity to try to find out wth happened to them. I've given them my own names.

"God Strippergirl"
someone I once knew as a strongly Christian, family oriented woman is now...a stripper and I think a drug addict. no mention of family anywhere on her site, even though I knew her husband and 2 children.

"Clueless as Ever"
this person's husband has cheated on her. I know because he tried to convince me that I was missing out on something spectacular in his pants. the wife then blaimed me and has called me "toxic". he is now screwing someone at his place of work. and the wife continues to tell everyone and anyone who will listen that she has the greatest marriage in the world.

"Little Mermaid"
think about that song, A Whole New World. this chick has done a complete 360 on life and has dumped everyone who did not immediately jump on the "you're great! you're the bestest eva!" bandwagon. on a side note, she blocked all of those people so now, I really have no idea wth is going on with her. she's not loosing any sleep over it, so I will not either.

"the Eff Man"
this guy, he uses the eff word as much as he possibly can in any post he makes. even if the eff word doesn't really "go" with the post...he can make it fit. he can be talking about a day at the beach, a cuddly bunny, a cold can of beer. the eff word makes numerous visits to his site. and then he adds some nonsensical run-on sentences off and on that makes me wonder where he got his weed from. cuz surely somebody added a little somethin somethin to it to make him think that talking about how much he needs a woman is attractive at all in his actual search for a female companion in life.

"holier than thou all of you, damnit"
this I know THINGS about this chick that would make her holy water jump the freak out of its container and run, screaming like a banshee, away from her. yet in this new life of hers, she is a Bible quoter. a person who prays for everything. I mean, like she prays for EVERYTHING. if you chip a nail, she'll drop and say a rosary for ya. just a tad annoying to hear how her power of prayer is all that is needed to "fix" any problem that she may come upon.

OK, so all of this is not saying that I am without fault. of course I have faults. I try my best to be a good person and a good friend. one thing I have learned is that women do not really want to know that their husband is a leech eating scum sucker creep. they'd be much happier with their little blinders on and continue thinking he's great.
and if you block me from your shit, I can still see it. that's how awesome it is to have a computer programmer for a neighbor who gets a giggle out of hacking.

EDITED TO ADD~ if you are reading this, it's not you that I am talking about. none of the people that I am referring to are aware of this blog. so relax. if I have something to say to you, I would say it to you...not starting any fights via blogville.

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