Saturday, November 29, 2008

What's better than a little family food poisoning?

oh my God.

is the holiday over yet?

because we haven't had nearly enough puking or pooing or stink. it all started off well. Thanksgiving came, I made stuffing at home and had desserts bought and ready. (hey, I had to work the day before and seriously had no time to bake. and it has been like 80 degrees and my kitchen heats up like a Martha Stewart Hell Island when I bake anything for more than 30 minutes.)
we arrived at my sister's at 1:30. on time. awesomeness.
we ate, everything was really good and I was stuffed. I have not eaten to the omfg, I may just explode stage in a very long time and it was yummy.
kids were good. they ate. minimal food throwing from the Littlest Little. (they have a dog, so clean up was minimal)
got home, everyone got into bed and I did some laundry whilst writing the next New York Times best seller(hey, it's MY dream, OK).
and then, the next day happened.

son #1 woke up and ate a doughnut and then went to my bed and fell back to sleep. unusual, yes...but he was up late the night before so I thought he was just tired.

the man announced that he had a stomach problem and then went back into the bathroom that he had just come out of.

I was not feeling 100%, but thought I was just tired.

at approximately 10 AM, son #1 walks out of my bedroom and says those famous words that all Mommas in the world know and fear. "Momma, I don't feel so blaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh". all over himself and the floor. I got him to the kitchen sink where he proceeded to throw up for a few more minutes. he got into the shower while I cleaned it all up, and when he came out, he announced that he was now fine and then collapsed onto my bed again and slept for 10 hours.

the man made appearances off and on all day in and out of the bathroom.

at dinnertime, everyone seemed better. I made pizzas and we all ate.

baby bath time came and as I was drying off the little one, he puked. on me. on the bathroom floor. and on himself.

I restarted the bath and put him right back in. where he proceeded to throw up again. and have diarrhea. IN THE TUB.

I yelled for the man to get himself to me asap and take little man to the shower. I then cleaned the tub and bathroom.

got him clean and jammied and to bed. he woke up 2 hours later and puked again. this time, however, he only hit the towel that I had laid down onto the bed and his shirt. the man took care of that episode.

3AM it hit me. at least I was allowed some privacy (aka no one woke up and helped me at all) for my vomiting. I then went back to bed. and slept until 9AM. the man got up with the kids and let me sleep. bless him.

I have not made the phone call yet to see if anyone else is sick. were we poisoned? was it a bug that was already brewing in one of the Littles that decided the day after Thanksgiving was the day to make its' appearance? we shall see. I have doubts about my mil's sweet potatos. I'll just make that statement now.


Anonymous said...

Icky poo. Literally. Didn't E get it too?

GROSS! Glad you are all better now. Send some of that heat our way would you?

Sandi said...

nope, E never had any of it. I started my round of throwing up last night.