Sunday, May 2, 2010

don't open this unless you have an understanding of the Twilight Saga

did you know that there is this site called FanFiction? I had never heard of it before I met some wonderful women who enjoy a good vampire novel and/or movie and also were left wanting...more. now, yes, it's true that I have renamed to, which totally works because lots of people refer to it simply as "FF". so, my nickname still works. and not EVERY story on FF is full of sex. some don't even have a kiss in them. and if you do not want to read the more smutty ones, FF makes it easy for you, too. they have a rating system and you can choose how much or low little smut action you want.
and, you can make a list of your favorites, stories and/or authors. and they will send you updates when your favorites add to their stories. and yes, I realize this sounds like I am receiving updates via email for porn. whatever. don't judge me. it makes me happy.
OK, so the point of this post is not that I am dealing with smutfilled fantasies of bloodsuckers. the point is that this awesome person has complied a list of the completed stories related to Twilight fanfiction!!!!!! it was like one of those "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moments and angels sang when I clicked on it this morning. because, really, let's face it. Twilight is kinda a hit with popular culture and apparently all of their Moms are very much full of great stories that may or may not include a lot of penises. and some of them sparkle. (true! really, this is good stuff!)
so, if you are interested and want an easy to navigate list of completed stories....look here- Completed Twi Fics

if you have any other book or movie that you really liked and would like to search to see if anyone has written stories about those characters, check out and you can do a search under books, cartoons, tv shows, movies, etc. and look to your
hearts' desire. I will warn you, there is some effed up shit on there. I mean, I guess some of those people think the vampire stuff is odd, but really....if you are ever bored and just wanna take a peek at ScoobyDoo rated "M"(Mature). oh yes someone DID write ScoobyDoo smut stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and, if you happen to become addicted to this, just know that you are not alone.
happy Sunday to you;)

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