let me just preface this whole post by saying that the new Bacardi Limon is completely responsible and delicious.
Named after the Spanish word for lemon, BACARDI® LIMÓN is a carefully crafted product that infuses BACARDI® rum to the essence of the royal family of citrus fruits: the lemon, the lime and grapefruit.
so I was away for a night to have a girls' weekend at a local Twilight convention. we had a lot of fun without actually purchasing a convention ticket. attendance was very low, and they were not as vigilant about checking tickets and such, so we went to a prom and a concert.
by the time we got to the concert at 11ishPM, let's just say, I was feeling very relaxed and happy. so relaxed and happy, that I danced with my new best gay friend and then we took it up onto the stage. yeah. me.
what song were we dancing to, you ask? I honestly have no idea.
but, yeah, there are pictures of it up already.
and then we stayed up until 4AM and had a great time.
so to recap~ Bacardi Limon is awesomeness in a bottle. I get very dancey when drunk. and there seemed to be quite a few people who enjoyed the whole performance because I was stopped while loading my luggage into the car by 5 people who asked me if i really was the girl on stage last night? lol, lmao, ffs.....oh my
the daily life and thoughts of a Mom, err Momma. I have 3 children. I will always be their "Momma" ♥♥♥
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I have a 10 year old today!
that seems wayyyy too old to me. or I seem wayyy too young to have a 10 yr old child. (yeah...biologically I could have a 20 yr old child or so, but thank God the condoms never broke or anything back then)
I used to think it was good to start out older to have kids. I had my first in 1999 and turned 30 a few months later. now I have a 10 yr old, a 6 yr old, and a 2yr old and will turn 40 in a few months' time. that sounds so wrong.
he has had a good birthday. doughnuts for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies for snack at school for all, going out to dinner at his choice tonight. (Steak 'n Shake, it is)
we had the kid party on Sunday. local movie theater has a party room...excellent idea, right? everyone sees a movie together(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)and then they all go to the party room afterwards for cake, or in our case...brownies.
10 kids were there. and me.
movie was fine. only had to take my daughter to the restroom once.
party room was literally my own personal little Hell for an hour. what was I thinking giving these kids soda and sugaring them up on brownies and then having to wait for an hour before their parents came and got them????? good Lord, I had boys screaming and running throwing things that were not intended to be weapons at one another.
10 yr old boys are a breed of their own. they won.
I used to think it was good to start out older to have kids. I had my first in 1999 and turned 30 a few months later. now I have a 10 yr old, a 6 yr old, and a 2yr old and will turn 40 in a few months' time. that sounds so wrong.
he has had a good birthday. doughnuts for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies for snack at school for all, going out to dinner at his choice tonight. (Steak 'n Shake, it is)
we had the kid party on Sunday. local movie theater has a party room...excellent idea, right? everyone sees a movie together(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)and then they all go to the party room afterwards for cake, or in our case...brownies.
10 kids were there. and me.
movie was fine. only had to take my daughter to the restroom once.
party room was literally my own personal little Hell for an hour. what was I thinking giving these kids soda and sugaring them up on brownies and then having to wait for an hour before their parents came and got them????? good Lord, I had boys screaming and running throwing things that were not intended to be weapons at one another.
10 yr old boys are a breed of their own. they won.
Friday, September 11, 2009

there are so many tribute videos, these are just 3 that I thought were well done. remebering back on this day when I had a 1 year old son and a husband who I could not contact for hours. news reports saying possible other targets were going to be hit, one of which was Walt Disney World. Thank God, that did not happen.
thinking of all of those other Moms and wives and sisters out there who did not receive a phone call from their husband or brother or child that day.
Nobody's Hero
The Rising
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Yah me!
I just bought myself 2 tickets to the midnight premiere of New Moon....
now who to take with me?.........
now who to take with me?.........
best PTO event of the year is tonight
not sure who's original idea it was, don't really care except that I know I love that person. tonight......it's the PTO's Welcome Back to School Ice Cream Party. (a PTO is a Parent Teacher Organization. some call it PTA, which ends with Association. pretty sure they are no different and maybe someone, somewhere, did not want the name shortened to Ass is the difference?)
so this is a reletively short post, just wanted to share my love of ice cream with you.
Rocky Road, here comes Momma!
so this is a reletively short post, just wanted to share my love of ice cream with you.
Rocky Road, here comes Momma!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Carline leads woman to excessive drug use.....
OK, follow me here.... cuz I am pretty sure I am right and all of those m fers in carline yesterday who cut around me are WRONG.
school allows kindergartners and kids in multi-age classes to be released 15 minutes early. I have one of these as my child, so by default, both kids get out of school 15 minutes early. there is a carline especially for these kids. everyone else goes to regular carline and then can start picking up their children at regular dismissal time. follow me so far?
here's the problem..... I got to school and the early dismissal carline was backed up all the way to the school entrance at the main road. so I was stopped in the turn lane, awaiting my chance to turn into school. but the carline had not opened yet, so there was no moving, nowhere for me to go. this happens frequently.
cars behind me were waiting for same line. so we wait. and wait. and wait some more.
at this point, there are cars stopped in the opposite direction as well, waiting on same carline.
then the idiots came out to play.
a green Honda van pulls out from behind me, about 5 or so cars back, and passes me and then turns a sharp left...to get in front of me.
now, she has cut me and the 20 something cars behind us off, and she has no fucking where to go, because, yeah...if I could have gone I would have already, bitch!
so she has the situation where she has cut off people, and is now stuck, sitting in the middle of the intersection, now blocking thru traffic as well as all of us sitting there glaring at her and I'm sure if they were kidless cars, screaming obscenities at her. (I was not kidless, thus I made a few marked comments about how people can be so clueless and NOT NICE and how now I am the one screwed because if she gets hit, she is gonna smack right into me.)
now, someone for some unknown reason saw the green van move, and apparently thought that "aha! the carline is moving! I shall follow Miss Greenvan wherever she goes and I, too, shall be set free from carline Hell." so 3 more cars attempted the same maneuver.
the man behind me was very entertaining to watch, btw. I watched his face go 3 shades of red and felt his blood pressure rise way up there on the cuff through my rear view mirror.
finally, carline starts moving. and I sat. and sat. and sat. because Miss Greenvan has stopped traffic so royally that there is now a long line of cars of peeps who just wanted to go straight and have no business with the carline at all. had to wait for those people to get through before I could finally turn. and sit and wait for the kids. who did not appreciate the trauma I had been through at all.
and it's like, the 2nd week of school. I think I could make a killing by going car to car with Jello shots.
and Miss Greenvan...she IS NOT GETTING ONE!
school allows kindergartners and kids in multi-age classes to be released 15 minutes early. I have one of these as my child, so by default, both kids get out of school 15 minutes early. there is a carline especially for these kids. everyone else goes to regular carline and then can start picking up their children at regular dismissal time. follow me so far?
here's the problem..... I got to school and the early dismissal carline was backed up all the way to the school entrance at the main road. so I was stopped in the turn lane, awaiting my chance to turn into school. but the carline had not opened yet, so there was no moving, nowhere for me to go. this happens frequently.
cars behind me were waiting for same line. so we wait. and wait. and wait some more.
at this point, there are cars stopped in the opposite direction as well, waiting on same carline.
then the idiots came out to play.
a green Honda van pulls out from behind me, about 5 or so cars back, and passes me and then turns a sharp left...to get in front of me.
now, she has cut me and the 20 something cars behind us off, and she has no fucking where to go, because, yeah...if I could have gone I would have already, bitch!
so she has the situation where she has cut off people, and is now stuck, sitting in the middle of the intersection, now blocking thru traffic as well as all of us sitting there glaring at her and I'm sure if they were kidless cars, screaming obscenities at her. (I was not kidless, thus I made a few marked comments about how people can be so clueless and NOT NICE and how now I am the one screwed because if she gets hit, she is gonna smack right into me.)
now, someone for some unknown reason saw the green van move, and apparently thought that "aha! the carline is moving! I shall follow Miss Greenvan wherever she goes and I, too, shall be set free from carline Hell." so 3 more cars attempted the same maneuver.
the man behind me was very entertaining to watch, btw. I watched his face go 3 shades of red and felt his blood pressure rise way up there on the cuff through my rear view mirror.
finally, carline starts moving. and I sat. and sat. and sat. because Miss Greenvan has stopped traffic so royally that there is now a long line of cars of peeps who just wanted to go straight and have no business with the carline at all. had to wait for those people to get through before I could finally turn. and sit and wait for the kids. who did not appreciate the trauma I had been through at all.
and it's like, the 2nd week of school. I think I could make a killing by going car to car with Jello shots.
and Miss Greenvan...she IS NOT GETTING ONE!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
When Pills Aren't Enough Sessions...#1
here is the first entry on my blog from a fellow blogger who shall remain nameless and needs to vent a bit. more to come, I'm sure ;)
Nothing but a Hound-Dog
...or make that horn-dog.
So, about a month ago my somewhat-of-a-boyfriend dumped me. Actually, it went something like this:
Him: I'm confused.
Me: Then we should probably not see or talk to each other for a while until you have time to think about it.
Him: Hmmm.
That week I get an email: "..I've been thinking about you a lot and would like to see you. I hope you feel the same."
"Ok", says I. Did I mention I am really dumb?
So we meet for a 'talk', and although I knew what to expect, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to let him get off that easy without first taking me to IKEA and then spending three hours putting the crap together for me. I mean, he's the one with the car...and the issues - but that's for another post. One with rum.
At step 35 of the 46-step process, we start the "talk".
Him: So, where so you think we are right now?
Me: Well, I think we broke up the last time we talked, but then you asked to meet me, so now I'm confused again.
Him: Well, you are right. We did break up. But more specifically, I broke up with you.
Blink blink.
OH NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, especially since I was the one who told him to STOP CALLING ME AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE WANTED.
After doing the only mature thing I could think of (considering he was in the middle of my last IKEA thingy) and throwing his toothbrush in the toilet, he finished putting the furniture together and we said our goodbyes. A solid, mature goodbye. And I haven't seen him since.
Except, now I am horny. VERY, VERY HORNY. Did I mention I am horny?
Everywhere I turn sex is staring me in the face. In books. On the TV. In movies. At the bus stop (seriously dudes, get a room). And now, I am THIS CLOSE to making a booty call. And I know that if my sister EVER found out that she would tear so many strips off me I would look like some sort of walking piece of bacon. I love bacon, by the way. Peameal bacon, specifically. Yum yum.
Sorry, tangent. But mama needs some lovin'. Sex. GOOD SEX. SEX, SEX, SEX. And he was SO good in bed. Did I mention I am horny?
I mean, I've taking up knitting for goodness sakes. KNITTING! To try and get my mind off sex! WTF?
Unfortunately there is no pill for this. Until there is, I'll continue trying to make the fucking disaster of a scarf (or maybe it's a lens cleaner), and watching episodes of True Blood...because vampires seem to have an incredible sex life.
Le sigh.
Nothing but a Hound-Dog
...or make that horn-dog.
So, about a month ago my somewhat-of-a-boyfriend dumped me. Actually, it went something like this:
Him: I'm confused.
Me: Then we should probably not see or talk to each other for a while until you have time to think about it.
Him: Hmmm.
That week I get an email: "..I've been thinking about you a lot and would like to see you. I hope you feel the same."
"Ok", says I. Did I mention I am really dumb?
So we meet for a 'talk', and although I knew what to expect, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to let him get off that easy without first taking me to IKEA and then spending three hours putting the crap together for me. I mean, he's the one with the car...and the issues - but that's for another post. One with rum.
At step 35 of the 46-step process, we start the "talk".
Him: So, where so you think we are right now?
Me: Well, I think we broke up the last time we talked, but then you asked to meet me, so now I'm confused again.
Him: Well, you are right. We did break up. But more specifically, I broke up with you.
Blink blink.
OH NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, especially since I was the one who told him to STOP CALLING ME AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE WANTED.
After doing the only mature thing I could think of (considering he was in the middle of my last IKEA thingy) and throwing his toothbrush in the toilet, he finished putting the furniture together and we said our goodbyes. A solid, mature goodbye. And I haven't seen him since.
Except, now I am horny. VERY, VERY HORNY. Did I mention I am horny?
Everywhere I turn sex is staring me in the face. In books. On the TV. In movies. At the bus stop (seriously dudes, get a room). And now, I am THIS CLOSE to making a booty call. And I know that if my sister EVER found out that she would tear so many strips off me I would look like some sort of walking piece of bacon. I love bacon, by the way. Peameal bacon, specifically. Yum yum.
Sorry, tangent. But mama needs some lovin'. Sex. GOOD SEX. SEX, SEX, SEX. And he was SO good in bed. Did I mention I am horny?
I mean, I've taking up knitting for goodness sakes. KNITTING! To try and get my mind off sex! WTF?
Unfortunately there is no pill for this. Until there is, I'll continue trying to make the fucking disaster of a scarf (or maybe it's a lens cleaner), and watching episodes of True Blood...because vampires seem to have an incredible sex life.
Le sigh.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Are you ever struck midconversation with panic.....
that you have absolutely no effing hell idea what the person you are conversing with is talking about? and I don't mean in the quantum physics rules of universe in an alternate plane of field type confusion. I mean, you sort of tune out because maybe the conversation is a tad dull or repetitive, and then all of a sudden, BAM! a word or phrase is said and you realize you have totally missed a huge part of the conversing and you now have to either,
A) pretend that you do know what is being discussed and decide really quickly whether to nod and agree or say something noncommital like, "what are your feelings on it?" or,
B) feign sickness and bolt from the room, or...
C) suck it up and say, "omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch that last part? what did you say?"
and wow, nice run on sentence usage.
let me just tell you, it's bad when you do the third choice. total failure. ended with person turning and leaving the room. sorry bout that. they caught me uncaffinated and sleep deprived and when the conversatuion did not begin with an "OMG! did you hear such and such?....." or a "I was shot and killed last week and lived to tell about it".... well, I entered the zone.
A) pretend that you do know what is being discussed and decide really quickly whether to nod and agree or say something noncommital like, "what are your feelings on it?" or,
B) feign sickness and bolt from the room, or...
C) suck it up and say, "omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch that last part? what did you say?"
and wow, nice run on sentence usage.
let me just tell you, it's bad when you do the third choice. total failure. ended with person turning and leaving the room. sorry bout that. they caught me uncaffinated and sleep deprived and when the conversatuion did not begin with an "OMG! did you hear such and such?....." or a "I was shot and killed last week and lived to tell about it".... well, I entered the zone.
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