Tuesday, November 6, 2007

my son is training to be a lean, mean, fighting machine

he is taking karate. this is his 1st organized sport. he is 8 and looks so damn cute when he bows to the mat. and the little outfit is cute, too. he earned his yellow belt last week, and is very proud of himself(me, too)!
and yes, he's the only child without the outfit on...I didn't know he was supposed to wear it to the congratulations/pizza party. Momma is a newbie at this karate business.
karate is a sport of discipline...something he sometimes is lacking in. he has definitely learned a lot, and he is having fun at the same time. I wish me telling him to do something had the same impact as Sensei A....she says "give me 10 push-ups", and he drops and does them. if I said that to him, he'd look at me as if I'd grown another head.
his sister goes to the majority of classes with him, but she cannot officially take them until she turns 5. she watches and absorbs it all, then shows us what she learned when we get home. she has quite a punch and her fighting stance is perfect. I don't know if she'll still want to take karate when she turns 5 or not, but if she does, watch out! I can see her going in and taking over the class.
I'm really hoping they don't get into it with each other and decide to try to out-karate one another. I think the 4 year old would win.....

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