Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hurricane Season 2010

well, it's here. it actually officially started on June 1, but don't haven't missed anything. it's hot as hell and has been raining everyday around 3PM. normal June in Florida.

Chief Long-Range Meteorologist and Hurricane Forecaster Joe Bastardi(yes, his last name is Bastard + i, poor guy)has published his predictions.....

Bastardi is forecasting seven landfalls. Five will be hurricanes, and two or three of the hurricanes will be major landfalls for the U.S.

He is calling for 16 to 18 tropical storms in total, 15 of which would be in the western Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico, and therefore a threat to land.

In a typical season, there are about 11 named storms, of which two to three impact the coast of the United States.

so basically, this is the same prediction that is issued every flipping year. if you are new to FL or any of the other coastal states, than you freak out and go buy every can of tuna and soup you can find and have at least 12 flashlights in your hurricane supplies. if you're like me, and you've lived here for 30+ years, you make sure you take a quick peek at the weather channel every now and then and go about life as usual.

what would a hurricane do to the oil splill in the Gulf? that could be grosser than it is already if if churned all of that oil up and coated the whole coast in those yucky oil blobs.

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