Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

well, New Years Eve was kinda sucky. the man told me he had New Years Eve "off". I assumed that meant he was NOT working. I was awakened at 4:45AM when he jumped from the bed and was out the door by 5:16AM. I must have been delirious, because for a few minutes I was thinking how sweet he was for getting up to go get doughnuts and coffee. and then, when he FINALLY called me back at 3PM to tell me he was on his way home, I unleashed the wrath. OK, so he meant he would be home the night of NYE. I get that now. but do not leave the house without saying boo to me and then leave your damn cell phone turned off. nothing pisses me off more than that. like, he has absolutely no concerns at all that an emergency could happen and I may need to contact him.

and the children were not helping. screaming. fighting. picking fights. woke up their little brother from his much needed nap way too soon.

let's just say that when the man got home, he popped open the champagne at 5ish and I drank it. all. and we had pizza for dinner. I felt a tad better.

the kids wanted to stay up until midnight and I told them it all depended on behavior. let's just say they failed. 10PM they were sent to bed. much crying and whining and begging. nope, not gonna happen. I'm not listening to the 2 of them for 2more hours just fighting with one another because they're "there". no amount of champagne makes that bearable.

they were asleep within 5 seconds of actually laying down. the man and I followed and we were also sleeping soon thereafter.

must be a getting older thing that not actually seeing the clock tick over to 12:00 is not all that bad of a feeling.