so, this is actually the third day of school today. I worked Monday and Tuesday, so the man had Dad duty and got them onto the bus and they did end up back at home, safe and sound. both of them were pretty laid back and casual about their first days. all I've learned is that I bought the wrong kind of folder for 1 of them and that there is a new PE coach who yells a lot and has a very serious face. haven't met him yet myself, but I can only imagine what my face would look like after being with 100's of children all day long in the FL summer. I'd most likely yell, too. I told the kids to give him a chance and I'll send in cookies for him one day. (to which the man accused me of trying to kiss his ass and make him be easier on our kids by sending in cookies.....(to which I said, ding! ding! ding! welcome to the planet, honey)
I had plans for today. they've all gone out the window. laundry, gym, cleaning the house, maybe going for a walk with the little one. well, it's so quiet today. it's just him and I, and he wanted to watch MoMo(Finding Nemo....or sometimes it means Elmo. it just depends on his mood). and well, I said OK. so he watched MoMo, I watched an episode of Kourtney and Khloe in Miami or something like that, and I folded and put away 1 load of laundry. and now it's raining, so no walk.
Nemo has just gotten himself into the ocean once again, and little one is almost asleep. maybe I have time for a nap before I need to leave for the car pick-up line.